Jun 08, 2004 22:16
So again with the eating problem. I swear, I have an eating disorder called "lazy as f*ck." This is a problem. It is extraordinary how little I can manage to eat in one day and still function. Obviously, this is something that will catch up to me in a bad, bad way if I don't fix it soon. I keep feeling like this has to be a lingering effect of my big depressive bout, because I remember I used to have a big appetite. I still eat an amazing amount when food is in front of me, it's actually getting the food that's the problem. I just can't bother to bother most of the time, and I can't eat any more pasta or grilled cheese sandwiches. This is depressing. And appalling. I feel like a freak. A freak that needs to eat. Suffice to say that this is not going to be conducive to growing my breasts back or building muscle mass. Snap out of it, Circe!
Also, and this is very, very, important, I learned today that going into the Arb without insect repellent is very, very stupid. It is even more stupid if the reason you are in the Arb is to take nude infrared portraits of yourself. In conclusion, being nude in the Arb at 7AM is ridiculously stupid without insect repellent. Mosquitoes the size of f*ck. I now have approximately 40 bites on each leg and another uncounted trail starting on my ass and working it's way up my back. And then a few more on my arms. My negatives did come out pretty well though- I'll think about that as I try unsuccessfully not to turn my welts into bleeding, oozing scabs. Not that I'm bitter. Yay art. In completely boring and unrelated news, Connor has moved to main street, the Dvorak continues at an amazingly slow pace, and the darkroom is still in a state of total disarray. Oh, and Connor and I spent Sunday evening drinking mudslides and watching GI Joe the movie. It made no sense. Whatsoever. Though it did make me decide that I need to name everything I own "Nemesis Enforcer"
I don't think I can know
Anyone but you
That's for sure