So I'm in a bad mood, mostly because my city is kind of wrecked, which of course there is nothing I can do anything about. However, I've also been thinking about fandom a bunch recently, especially with the LJ flist redesign riling people up. Hopefully this won't be too rambling and will make some sense?
sparing you from the rambling )
Comments 17
Yeah, I didn't know if the archives were busy or not because I was hoping to not have to go back to searching for fanfic, but maybe I should?
I've heard such awful things about Gallifrey Base, I've never even been tempted to look at them.
There definitely seem to be several fandoms that are super active now (SPN, Sherlock, Korra, and OUAT, which I've been meaning to check out), but most of them are still airing pretty regularly, while Who is on hiatus? I also can't tell if the fandom has gotten bigger or smaller since Eleven.
I haven't been to Teaspoon in a while, but sometimes I feel like I've read all the Doctor/Rose fic on the internet, which I know is not true. (I've definitely read all the epic ones that caught my fancy, though.)
it really isn't set up for that and it's MUCH harder to follow anything. Bah. I feel the same and I was hoping maybe there was some trick or something to tumblr I was missing, beyond Savior and Missing E. Do people just reblog every single time they want to comment on something? While it makes me super happy that tumblr is full of people still squeeing madly about Who (and pretty much all fandoms really),and making awesome, giant Martha graphics and shippy (though sometimes unintentionally hilarious) Doctor/Rose gifsets, I feel like it's really difficult to even say "Hey that thing you made was amazing and awesome!" unless you, like, personally message them which seems creepy. But there are a bunch of people that seem to have tumblr besties, so ( ... )
LJ is where most of my thoughts, fandom or otherwise are likely to end up. Though I have noticed it's been a bit quieter lately, there's still a fair bit going on. Though not so much DW related, except for fic. But even that's slowed down.
Tumblr is where I go to look at pretty images and such. I agree, it really doesn't work for actually communicating with people really. Nor leave a proper comment on a fic or art. But it is busy.
I've noticed a lot of comms on LJ seem to be getting a bit quieter which is sad. I mean I've only been on LJ a year or so, maybe a bit longer and things are getting quieter...
And yes, I've forgotten where I was going with this. Oh right... I think it might depend on what the people on your flist are mostly talking about?
I also don't know if the quiet on LJ is cyclical, but I definitely feel like it was much more busy 2 or 3 years ago. It is sad. :P
It's good to hear what other people think!
Who definitely seems to be going reasonably strongly on tumblr. I wonder if people like the way it works? The ease of finding new stuff maybe?
And I hate, hate, hate that lj has brought us to this point :(
Yeah, I'm on it pretty much for the flist and comms now, as functionality is no longer it's selling point. :P
The LJ/DW thing confuses me so much, because I was so anti-Dreamwidth at first, but then once I got annoyed at LJ for something or other and tried it, I loved it and find it much better than LJ at a lot of things. So I just DON'T UNDERSTAND why people seem to hate it so much with no reason.
I did have a different journal before LJ, and I have accounts at other sites like tumblr, so maybe I am less resistant to change? Doesn't feel like it though, I kind of hate change but still love Dreamwidth ...
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