Jul 13, 2012 21:25
So I just went to buy someone a v-gift. I have a big stock of LJ tokens, that I specifically bought to give people v-gifts without digging up a credit card. In general, I give charity v-gifts, because I think that's a nicer gesture than just a .jpg. I have consistently been using my tokens to do this, as recently as 3 months ago.
When I went to check out, it wouldn't let me use my tokens. I tried and tried, and couldn't figure out what was wrong. And then I got a sinking feeling. I removed the charity v-gift, and put a non-charity v-gift in my cart. Magically, the option to use tokens reappeared.
Apparently, if you want to buy a regular v-gift (i.e all the money goes straight to LJ), then it's fine and dandy to use your tokens. However, if you want some of that money to go to charity, you need to pay with a credit card, because apparently once you give LJ money the only way to get it back is to pry it from their cold, dead hands.
This change, btw, is not mentioned on either the page where you buy tokens or on the v-gift page.
So I reported this both in the news thread and as a support request, and I got a response that it had been a mistake, and that they were fixing it. The initial gift I was trying to buy (one of the "It Gets Better" one) is still not working, but all the other ones are. I replied when one still wasn't working, and that was fixed too. I won't pretend I'm not incredibly surprised I got such a fast response, but kudos to LJ for fixing this very quickly.
Thank you for being decent, LJ.
yeah this is a problem,