Feel you're hugely important? A big deal in the grand scheme of things? *SLAP* Read on.

Mar 19, 2007 09:43

Fun article on putting things in perspective, from the very infinitesimally tiny to the very uncomprehensibly large.

Best viewed in Firefox, here are some highlights:

A very large webpage where one pixel is the equivalent of 1,000 kilometers; the Solar System is BIG. And empty.

Hey what, we're mostly empty space ourselves! Another pixel scale webpage, only this time it's a hydrogen atom, with the electron being a single pixel.

The classic Powers of Ten film.

The only thing missing is a decent time scale page, from the big bang to the empty void future; all this helps when you're dealing with a really lousy client or customer: they're utterly insignificant in the End of Ends. ;) (well so are you, but what the hell.)
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