So busy!
Sarita came over on Friday and was a ROCKSTAR, helping with the organizing of the fabric stash. We rolled everything onto bolts or into little fabric sausages and labeled them with yardage! I adore the efficient use of space. It makes me squee. I also adore being able to simply open my closet door, look at my shelves and see what I have in a clear, organized way.
Fabric craziness well done, D and I went to a certain birthday celebration and had a lovely time. I apologize for any damage to balloons I may have caused in my cavorting.
Sunday sunday sunday we went to visit
Carolee-pod and Jenny-pod (of
Pod Post)at the
SF Zine fest. I picked up an adorable little tiny brick of a book filled with photos (by
Kelly Lee Barrett)and that about blew my zine wad, but I had enough left for one of C-pod's recycled notebooks (red gridded!) and for a portrait of self and hubby (as bunnies) by Nobody from
Everybody Get Up. And I got a neato button for my bag. Those are some sweet dudes, even though they though my sprit animal was substandard ;D