Fic: Recreation

Jul 18, 2021 23:35

Title: Recreation
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Immortan Joe/The Five Wives
Word Count: 2,527
Summary: The Five Wives might be kept for procreation, but that doesn't preclude Immortan Joe from demanding their participation in sordid recreational activities.
Warnings: non-con, non-consensual group sex, non-consensual spanking, non-consensual snowballing (come swapping)
Note: Written for Nonconathon.

Immortan Joe gave healthy young women a life of leisure and luxury, and in return they tried to give him a son. That was supposed to be the bargain.

Not that Toast had ever agreed to any such bargain. Not that Joe cared whether or not his so-called wives were willing or not. But publicly this was supposed to be for the sake of procreation.

Other warlords in the Wasteland kept harems, either for their pleasure, or as a display of their wealth and power, but Immortan Joe of the Citadel liked it to be known that he sought a healthy son and his wives were a means by which to obtain a healthy male child of his blood. He discarded his wives periodically because they’d proven barren, not because he had grown tired of them. He was a good family man.

Or so he needed to portray himself. There was no one who cared about his motives except Joe himself, but he persisted in pretending this was all for the sake of healthy babies.

Sometimes, however, he got bored. Sometimes he wasn’t content with simply raping them. Sometimes he wanted them to do things to each other for his entertainment.

Toast had learned to pick her battles. She refused whatever acts seemed worse to her than the punishment for refusing, and did the things she could endure doing as efficiently and dispassionately as possible.

She briskly slathered oil all along the length of the double-headed dildo, and then she laid back on the bed and slid part of it into her cunt. She waited for the Dag to join her.

“What do you get out of this?” the Dag asked Joe plaintively. “It gives no one, not even you, any physical pleasure. Why?!”

“It will give you pleasure if you let it,” he replied. “I like to see my girls enjoying themselves.”

The Dag shook her head. “No, I won’t do it. I won’t.”

“Climb on that dildo and let me see you two fuck each other silly.”

“Sit on it yourself,” the Dag shot back.

“I’ll do it,” Capable said quickly. “I’ll play with Toast.

“Stay where you are, Capable,” Joe ordered. “Dag, do as I told you.”

Toast had seen Joe angry before, but this was different. This time he wasn’t roaring in anger. This time his voice was dangerously quiet.

The Dag remained defiant. “No.”

“You have five seconds to get that dildo in your cunt, or you’ll regret it.”

“Fuck you, old man.”


The Dag didn’t reply.


The Dag and Joe stared at each other.



“It’s not worth it,” Toast said, to the Dag. Honestly, she’d rather fuck a dildo instead of Joe any day.


Joe wrestled the Dag to the floor. She bit and scratched him, but he was heavier and stronger, and he quickly subdued her.

If they all attacked Joe, they could probably overwhelm him. Toast briefly allowed herself to entertain that fantasy. But she laid where she was, with the dildo still in her cunt, too afraid of the consequences to even attempt rebellion.

The Dag's angry curses turned to shouts of pain.

"Joe, no," Angharad pleaded. "Don't do this."

The Dag emitted a loud, heartrending shriek of agony.

Toast crawled to the other side of the bed where she could see clearly what was happening, and immediately regretted it.

Joe's whole hand was buried in the Dag's cunt, wrist and all, and he was trying to go even deeper. Another inch of his forearm disappeared from view as he forced his big hand even further inside her.

"You're going to tear her apart," Toast said, her voice sounding cool and detached even to her own ears. She was stating an observation, not rebuking Joe or trying to tell him what not to do. "Your organic mechanic will have to stitch her up and she'll need dozens of days to recover."

Joe withdrew his hand from the Dag's insides, and Toast thought it was over. But he balled his hand up into a fist and punched his way back into the Dag, heedless of the blood or the screams of pain.

"This cunt is my property. Don't you ever forget that again."


“Let’s play a game to welcome Cheedo to the family.”

Capable felt bile rise in her throat and she fought back the sudden feeling of sickness. Being sick would excuse her from Joe’s ‘games’, but it would also result in her being intimately and invasively examined by the Organic Mechanic, which was almost as bad as what Joe himself did. And, besides, it would be cowardly and unfair to leave the other wives to ‘play’ with Joe. The more of them there were, the less any one woman had to suffer his attention.

Not that Cheedo was a woman; she was a girl, scarcely more than five thousand days old. She was very tall, and quite lovely, but her face still looked more like a child’s than a grown woman’s. Being seated in Joe’s lap like that made her seem even younger.

“Chess?” Toast suggested sarcastically.

“Joe, let me entertain you,” Angharad pleaded. “Cheedo can watch if you insist on having her with us.”

“You can’t always be the center of attention, Splendid,” Joe replied, sounding affectionately amused. He kissed Cheedo’s shoulder and ripped away her chest wrap to bare her small breasts. “Today is Cheedo’s day.”

“You will take turns pleasuring her while she tries to guess your identity,” Joe announced, as he tied the cloth of her chest wrap around her eyes as a blindfold. He grasped her thighs and spread them, hooking her knees behind his own knees to keep her legs wide open and her cunt exposed.

“Eeny,” Joe said, pointing at Angharad.

Then he pointed at Toast. “Meeny.”

“Miney.” He pointed at the Dag.

“Moe,” he finished, pointing at Capable.

Capable didn’t want to move, but her feet took one step, then another, and another, and then her legs folded and she found herself kneeling before Cheedo and Joe. She could smell the unfortunately familiar masculine scent of Joe and the unfamiliar feminine scent of Cheedo. She could hear Joe’s raspy breathing, and she imagined she could hear Cheedo’s heart beating as loudly as her own heart had beat a thousand days ago when she’d been the new wife seated in Immortan Joe’s lap and he’d made the others ‘welcome’ her.

She pressed her face right up against Cheedo’s cunt, stuck out her tongue, and began to lick mechanically. She focused on the physical, on what her mouth was doing, rather than on the emotional, trying not to think and trying not to feel.

“Guess who?” Joe asked.

“Angharad?” Cheedo guessed.

Joe did something that made Cheedo gasp - tweaked a nipple perhaps - before he replied, “No, no, my sweet. You lose this round.”

Capable felt him nudge her with his foot, and she hastened aside. She watched as Joe pointed at the Dag and the game continued. She watched because Joe would be angry if she didn’t watch, and he would punish her if he was angry, but she tried to see something else in her mind’s eye.


His schlanger was as ugly as the rest of him, but it was big. It was long and thick, and he was very proud of it. The Dag was convinced that it was the source of Immortan Joe’s extreme sense of entitlement.

He stood in the middle of the Dome, sunlight streaming on his sore-covered body, with Angharad and Capable on their knees before him, looking quite pleased with himself. Like he was feeling every bit like the master of the world he believed himself to be, never mind that his world was a barren wasteland and he was a monster.

Angharad sucked on the head of his schlanger while Capable licked the shaft.

The Dag’s turn might come eventually, but for now she was relieved it wasn’t her mouth on that repulsive thing. She hated having to allow Joe’s schlanger in her mouth even more than she hated having to endure it in her cunt.

“Yes,” Joe groaned. “Worship my cock.”

He beckoned to Cheedo, and said, “Give it to Cheedo, Splendid. You work with Capable.”

The Dag felt her jaw clench and her hands ball into fists. It was wrong, so wrong for that vile old man to make poor darling Cheedo put that disgusting thing in her mouth. She knew how horrible it felt and tasted, and Cheedo shouldn’t have to experience that. It was unfair, and wrong, and she wanted to scream.

Cheedo tentatively began to suck Joe’s nasty schlanger, and he moaned loudly.

The Dag wanted to rip his aortic artery open with her teeth.

“I want to geld him with a dull knife,” Toast murmured very quietly beside her.

“I want to geld him with my teeth,” the Dag whispered back just as quietly. She’d bitten him the first time he’d forced his schlanger into her mouth, and been brutally punished for it, but she’d never had quite enough courage to try to bite off the whole thing.

“I’m about to bless you with my seed,” Joe told Cheedo. “You must never spit it out, but this time I don’t want you to swallow. I want you to hold it in your mouth so we can all see.”

The Dag felt Toast squeeze her forearm, as if expecting her to say or do something in protest and warning her against it.

Joe withdrew from Cheedo’s mouth, and she obediently kept it open. Capable gently tilted Cheedo’s chin up so that Joe’s semen would not dribble out of her mouth, knowing she would be punished if she inadvertently disobeyed his express order.

“Good girl.” Joe patted the top of Cheedo’s head. “Pass it on to Splendid.”

Cheedo looked puzzled, but before she could attempt to ask how to do that, Angharad pressed her mouth to Cheedo’s mouth and angled Cheedo’s chin downwards, silently encouraging her to transfer the semen to her mouth.

Once the load had been passed, Angharad displayed her mouthful. She was glaring at Joe, all the hate she felt for him evident in her gaze, but as usual he didn’t seem to notice it.

“Capable,” he said.

Capable opened her mouth, and leaned her head back, and closed her eyes, and Angharad deposited Joe’s semen in her mouth like they’d done this a hundred times.


The Dag watched as Capable delicately swapped the load over to Toast, knowing it was her turn to receive Joe’s vile semen next.

“Just spit it in,” she muttered to Toast, before reluctantly opening her mouth wide.

Toast complied, spitting the mix of saliva and semen into her mouth.

“Pass it back to Cheedo,” Joe ordered the Dag.

No. She wouldn't, she couldn't. Let him punish her. She refused to soil Cheedo with his filth. She swallowed quickly.

To her surprise and relief, she heard Joe laugh.

"Eager for it, are you, Dag?"


"You think that makes you sound good, don't you?" Angharad asked, interrupting the tale Immortan Joe was telling them about how he'd conquered the Citadel.

“Angharad,” Immortan Joe said.

It was the first time Cheedo had heard him call Angharad by her name rather than ‘Splendid’ or an endearment. The tone of his voice was different, too. He reminded Cheedo of her father scolding her siblings when they were naughty and how he’d warn them that they’d get a spanking if they continued that behavior.

“I hate you,” Angharad snarled back.

Cheedo gasped in shock. Nobody talked that way about Immortan Joe in Gas Town - you never knew who might be listening - and she wouldn’t have believed anyone would dare talk to him like that to his face if she hadn’t just witnessed it herself.

“We all hate you,” Angharad continued.

“Silence,” Immortan Joe roared.

“The truth hurts, doesn’t it?” retorted Angharad.

“Enough!” Immortan Joe’s voice was frightening.

Cheedo wanted to scurry away and hide until this unpleasantness had passed.

“I will tolerate no more of this insolence,” Immortan Joe said. He seated himself in the huge chair the other wives jokingly referred to as his throne when he wasn’t around. “Present yourself for discipline, Angharad.”

Angharad stood glaring at Immortan Joe.

Cheedo expected her to continue her tirade, and maybe she’d intended to, but then Capable murmured softly, “Don’t, Angharad.”

Angharad’s shoulders slumped, though the defiant look remained on her face. She removed the wrap she wore around her bottom and went to lay facedown across Immortan Joe’s lap.

“I give you every luxury possible, and all I ask in return is obedience and respect,” Immortan Joe lectured. Then he raised his hand high in the air and brought it down onto Angharad’s bare buttocks with a loud SMACK.

Cheedo watched Immortan Joe spank the Splendid Angharad and told herself that Angharad was lucky. Some men beat their wives, and Immortal Joe shredded people who angered him. Getting spanked like a child had to be embarrassing for Angharad, but it wasn’t that bad.

Angharad’s face turned red, but she didn’t cry out.

Immortan Joe stopped spanking her and began rubbing her between the legs. “I love your spirit,” he said to Angharad, sounding tender and loving. “But there is a line you must not cross, Splendid.”

Cheedo expected him to breed with Angharad then, but instead he gently eased her out of his lap.

He patted his thighs and called, “Dag!”

She was surprised again when the Dag strode to Immortan Joe without comment and positioned herself across his lap and he began to spank her.

The Dag hadn’t said or done anything wrong. It wasn’t fair. Why wasn’t she complaining? It wasn’t like the Dag to be silent.

When Immortan Joe finished spanking the Dag, he called Capable, and she, too, went without complaint.

He spanked Toast the Knowing, too, after spanking Capable, and Cheedo thought that was the end of it.

“Cheedo,” he said.

Cheedo stared at him, confused.

He patted his lap. “Come here.”

Cheedo didn’t move. “But I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I know. You’ve been a good girl so far,” Immortan Joe said. “But women need regular discipline to help them be good wives. Splendid’s outburst is my fault for letting so much time lapse since her last spanking.”

That made no sense to Cheedo. What was the point of being good and obedient if he was going to spank them regardless of what they did.


The four older wives were all facing Cheedo and each of them seemed to be trying to tell her something without actually speaking.

The Dag was shaking her head ever so slightly.

Toast silently mouthed the words 'not worth it'.

Capable was clutching her hands to her chest and she waved at Cheedo.

Angharad was forcing herself to smile.

They were warning her.

Cheedo reluctantly went to Immortan Joe, who put her across his lap and began to spank her.

He didn't spank her hard, and it was over quickly. She didn't even know why she was crying. It wasn't that bad.

written for: nonconathon, mmfr fic

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