Title: The Bloody Mummers' Sport
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jaime/the Bloody Mummers
Word Count: 575
Summary: After they're prevented from raping Brienne, the Bloody Mummers turn their attention to Jaime.
Warning: Gangrape, crack!fic - yes, I know I'll go to hell for this. :P
Jaime wished he hadn't shouted for the Goat to save the wench's maidenhead. Grumbling in discontent at being denied their sport, the Bloody Mummers had turned their attention to him. He could endure the beating, but after that, one of them said, "If we can't have the woman, at least let us have him," and Jaime's blood ran cold.
Vargo Hoat stroked his ridiculous beard. "I don't see why not."
An involuntary shout of "no" tore from Jaime's throat. He would not beg. Whatever they did to him, he was Jaime Lannister and he did not beg.
"Yes," Faithful Urswyck said.
"Yes," the others chanted as they set about stripping him naked. "Yes, yes, yes."
Brienne was shouting for them not to do it, begging them to leave him alone. They ignored her. When they'd torn off all of Jaime's clothing - even his boots - they gathered around him in a circle and began unlacing their breeches. All except Septon Utt. Jaime was too old to entice him, as was anyone past puberty. He was just here to enjoy the show and he mediated the dispute between Timeon the Dornishman and Rorge over who would go first.
"I'll flip a coin," he said, taking a silver stag out of his purse.
Timeon won the coin toss and approached Jaime with his cock in his hand. Jaime kicked him. They gave him another beating then, and one of them kicked his stump, making it bleed anew and leaving him groaning in pain and unable to resist when Timeon straddled his backside and began to force his cock into him.
"He's too tight," Timeon complained. "I can't get in."
"Let me fuck him," Rorge said. "I'll leave him gaping wide open for you."
Septon Utt played peacemaker again, this time offering Timeon a vial of oil to ease his passage inside Jaime. The oil did the trick and Jaime was left to shriek as a new pain assaulted his body. He honestly couldn't say what hurt more, the stump of his maimed hand or his arse.
Timeon finished and was eagerly replaced by Rorge, who fucked Jaime even harder than Timeon, as if to prove to Jaime and the others that he was tougher than Timeon. Then came Pyg, and then the fat Dothraki Zollo. Biter was the worst. His weight nearly crushed Jaime and he tried to tear a chunk of flesh from Jaime's back with his teeth. Luckily they must have had orders not to damage him too badly because Rorge kicked Biter in the face and prevented him from biting Jaime again.
Shagwell the Fool was nearly as bad in a different way. He tried to coax Jaime to arousal, stroking his cock with surprising tenderness and skill. He crowed in triumph when he got the reaction he sought. "He loves me, lads. Cersei be damned, the Kingslayer loves merry Shagwell."
"He's only half hard," Timeon pointed out.
Shagwell feigned comical dismay. "Oh, so he is!" He twisted Jaime's balls. Mercifully Jaime passed out.
When he regained consciousness, the disgraced maester Qyburn was wiping him clean of seed, blood, and shit, and tending to his injuries. "We encountered a group of peasants on the road," he told Jaime. "They won't be bothering you again; they prefer female prey."
Jaime was ashamed of how relieved he was when he heard feminine screams. But not ashamed enough to volunteer to take the new victims' place.