Title: Lady Mother
Rating: PG
Characters: Catelyn, Ned, Robb, Jon, Sansa, Arya, Old Nan
Pairing: Ned/Catelyn
Word Count: 1,081
Summary: Catelyn yearns to give her lord husband a son who looks like him.
Note: For
violaswamp. I'm indebted to
misstopia for beta'ing this fic and discussing it with me.
Lady Mother )
And I love how this goes back and forth between Catelyn being insecure about her children not looking like Ned's sons while Ned is so clearly SO I LOVE with his whole family-- Ned clearly adoring Catelyn at the beginning when Sansa is born, and being so thrilled that the baby looks like her. But then, the barriers between Cat and Stark-ness are pretty firm, with that knee-jerk "No" to naming the baby Lyanna and the religious differences. And oh man, I love Catelyn for making it to her room by herself, and Old Nan for being businesslike and telling her to do it quickly to coach her along through a hard birth. WHICH OF COURSE is Arya who of course is a loud baby. Sorry, I'm rambling, but this was just really wonderful. :)
I really like this. I love all the little character touches: Catelyn wanting to make it to her room on her own, her acid comment about Ned bringing home a bastard, the way Robb and Sansa and Jon and Arya would make such a cute little group, except for the fact that Jon isn't Catelyn's, and the way you handle the religion. It's kind of sad that this is actually a happy time for them all, relatively speaking.
It's kind of sad that this is actually a happy time for them all, relatively speaking.
Yeah. This series is a major downer. Hence the writing of fluffy fic. :D
I will definitely write one of your requests as soon as real life settles down a bit. I haven't actually forgotten.
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