Gaah the next few weeks are going to KILL ME. 4 papers and a final that was delayed by a year and ahalf. Luckily,
modernmorland provided me this song meme with which to procrastinate. Yayyyyy. Never done one of these b4, since a lot of my music is not computerized. Whatever.
I hope everyone has a glorious Turkey Day!
If my life were a movie...
Opening Credits:
“Halfway to heaven” - Beth Hart
Apparently my life is a constant struggle against half-realized satisfaction.
Waking Up: “A Place for My Head” - Linkin Park featuring Limp Bizkit
Why is this on my computer?? At least the title is somewhat fitting.
First Day At School: “Signs” - Michael W. Smith
“Read between the lines of what you see, look into the soul of reality.”
Sounds like a good description of learning, esp for my Catholic schooling days where everything had a religious spin to it.
Falling In Love: “Minas Morgol” - LOTR Return of the King soundtrack
So we fall for each other while doing battle with Orcs. Maybe he saves me from impending stab wounds!
Fight Song: “Great Wall of China” - Billy Joel
An upbeat battle on said Great Wall. This really should be switched with the one before it.
Breaking Up: “When Love Comes to Town” - U2 feat. B.B. King
Broken promises, bride left at the altar, letting your girl down. Ok that works.
Prom: “This is My Time” - Raven on Princess Diaries 2 soundtrack
A girl-power teeny bopper anthem! I defy the producers of Laguna Beach to choose better for prom.
Life: “Everybody Needs Somebody to Love” - Blues Brothers
Mental Breakdown: “Blind” - Jars of Clay
“Talked yourself out of believing” A mellow tune that sounds haunting enough for emotional and mental issues.
Driving: “Someday Soon” - David Benoit
Instrumental background I guess. This must be a long trip.
Flashback: “Coventry Carol” - Cambridge Singers
Either we’re back to Christmas, when I was a “little tiny child”, or the medieval days.
Getting Back Together: “God Only Knows” - The Beach Boys
Awwwwwww. We finally realized we could not live without each other. See Blues Brothers above.
Wedding: “Cold” - Matchbox 20
Ummm, now we no longer love each other?? Or maybe this describes the in-laws at the reception.
Birth of Child: “Everything Must Change” - Jazz for a Rainy Afternoon
So they say when you become a parent. Although mellow sax is not what I equate with childbirth.
Final Battle: “Shelob’s Lair” - LOTR ROTK
Ok, now we are on the same page.
Death Scene: “All That She Wants [Banghra Version]” - Ace of Base
Apparently I die in childbirth. I just wanted another baby, but I’ll be gone tomorrow.
Funeral Song: “The Dummy Song” - Louis Armstrong
Maybe I am not actually dead, for hi-jinks ensue to put a dummy in my casket.
End Credits: "Blister in the Sun"
The hi-jinks continue as I strut my stuff down the street. What a nice existential ending to a previously serious tale.