Things I Have Recently Watched

May 18, 2012 23:20

I didn't know whether to use a Vampire Diaries or Gossip Girl icon for this entry, so I put my Dark Shadows icon back, in honor of how terrible the new movie is. So let's talk about that first.

Tim Burton's Dark Shadows: Not actually anything like Dark Shadows )

gossipgirl, dark shadows, vampire_diaries, himym

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niennah May 19 2012, 09:45:50 UTC
I think I've said it to you before, but I totally agree about Klaus. He was built up as this big bad for like two seasons, and then when he shows up, firstly he's played by Joseph Morgan who has no subtlety or menace as an actor, and secondly he's not nearly as badass as they made him out to be.

I am really going to miss Alaric too. This show is kind of amazing the way they actually kill main characters off. I don't think I've ever seen a show where basically anyone bar the central three characters is potentially dead at any moment. I agree that Alaric's transformation was a bit rushed, though.

As for Elena becoming a vampire - wow. I do like that it wasn't either of the Salvatores who did it, that it was Dr Fell. Elena could never have forgiven either Damon or Stefan had they done it (most likely Damon, of course). I'd hate that to be a thing. I'm more of an Elena/Damon girl than Elena/Stefan, but I totally see your reasoning there. In fact, you're right. When Damon was getting all bossy, I knew which way the show was going in terms of the Stefan-or-Damon question, and I agree with the way it went. I hope Elena and Damon do get together eventually, but neither of them is ready yet.

What a great show, though.


redbrickrose May 19 2012, 16:29:35 UTC
Yes! I wanted Klaus to be way more badass, way less whiny. Whiny is terrible look on a villain. On paper, I probably should be all about Klaus, but he just doesn't work for me.

I don't think I've ever seen a show where basically anyone bar the central three characters is potentially dead at any moment. I agree that Alaric's transformation was a bit rushed, though.

I do like it that they don't pull punches and that the stakes are real. I just love Alaric. :((( And I wanted him to have better good-byes with other people. :((( But I guess he got that in the episode where he transitions, so fair enough. I thought that was really well done.

And yes, I am SO GLAD that it as Dr. Fell and not Stefan or Damon - I think it makes sense too. It would be some fluke like that (though it is very similar to what happened to Caroline).

I can definitely see the appeal of Damon/Elena! I think what appeals to me about Stefan/Elena is how his respect for her agency is always portrayed as really romantic. In these kinds of pairings, the willingness of the immortal half of the couple to do sacrifice ANYTHING for what the human half of the couple NEEDS and do ANYTHING to protect them is often portrayed as romantic, so I find Elena/Stefan refreshing in that that isn't the case, because I always find that more creepy than romantic even in pairings I really love (ex: Buffy/Angel).


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