
Jan 27, 2012 20:23

So this week I learned that I can frantically write fic in a fandom I've barely touched in five years while simultaneously having the most stressful work week in recent memory! Probably this is telling me that I need more deadlines/am more productive under pressure. This is a thing that I know and consistently try to ignore, but it did inspire to me to sign up for both waves of Bandom Big Bang. So that should go well. :/

Anyway, I wrote Last Horizons I Can See for rekindlespangel (and put my A/S icon back for the occasion). God, talk about OTP nostalgia. Turns out I still have a fuckton of feelings about those two. That's not shocking since I don't think I've ever been known to actually get over an OTP, but still.

Only semi-relatedly, during the procrastination process while I was writing, I ended up rewatching every Buffy/Faith vid I have for some reason and was surprised by the intensity of my reaction there as well. WOW do I still ship that. Oh, Buffyverse. You guys, I JUST WANT TO LOVE LIKE THAT AGAIN.


In life news, last night I saw Cowboy Mouth at the 9:30 Club, and it was just about as cathartic as always. It's all about be in the moment, don't worry about anything tonight, and scream if you're glad to be alive. And they don't play if you're not screaming loud enough. Yes, Fred, I actually am glad to be alive. Thank you for making me spend two hours really thinking about that.

Today I telecommuted and work was, as previously mentioned, frustrating and stressful, but at least I wasn't at the office. I was exhausted from the show and this week in general, so I didn't get off my couch until evening, when I wandered downstairs to drink beer and play Halo with my brother. That is a pretty solid beginning to a weekend.

Oh, did I tell you guys that my brother moved into the apartment directly below mine? Well, that happened about a month ago, and it is seriously the best. All of the horror movies and beer. \o/

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cowboy mouth, btvs/ats fic, btvs/ats, fic!

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