Yuletide 2011

Nov 19, 2011 15:38

Placeholder for Yuletide letter. Hello, all! I have not actually vanished off the Internet. Also, I am doing Yuletide.

ETA: First of all, hi! And thank you for writing for me! Really, I just want fic in these fandoms, so I am sure I will be delighted by whatever you come up with. I think I said pretty much everything relevant in my sign-ups, but there is some more detail below, just in case that would be helpful. :)

General likes: angst, UST that's eventually resolved, first times, misunderstandings, partners-in-crime/comrades-in-arms dynamics, worthy adversaries (I like antagonism ships a lot, but the people involved have to clearly respect each other), trickster characters, endearing assholes, grand gestures, dramatic reveals, coming out narratives, happy endings that feel *earned,* open endings, intense platonic connections (including sibling relationships), mixed gender three-or-moresomes

General dislikes: character bashing, kid!fic, AUs with no clear connection to canon, bleak endings with no redemptive elements, significant power imbalances in romantic relationships, incest. I have a pretty big embarrassment squick. Also, while any rating is totally fine with me, I'm not big on pwp.

Two of these fandoms are holdovers from last year because I don't give up. :) Here is some more detail about those requests (also not that much changed from last year), but really I just want fic in these fandoms and anything would be great.

She-Ra: Adora, gen

Any fic focused on Adora is going to make me happy. As I said in my request, if suggestions are helpful I'm really interested in something that deals with her secret identity and the ramifications of having to keep that secret (bonus points if it's revealed to someone or dealing with the fallout of the reveal). I would prefer that a pairing not be the central focus, but it doesn't have to be gen (though it's fine if it is!). I would love Adora femslash, but I'm open to pretty much any pairing (either involving Adora or in the background) except for incest. Feel free to include any other characters you want as well!

Dark Shadows: 1966: Barnabus Collins

Okay, my OTP in this fandom is Barnabus/Angelique, but Angelique wasn't nominated and that's what I get for not paying any attention to the nomination process! If you feel like including her, I would love something that deals with Barnabus and Angelique and their fraught history and antagonism. As long as it's clear they respect each other, they can be fighting the whole time! I also like hate sex, or their original affair, or any kind of reluctant partnership, you get the idea. Any point in the timeline is totally fine. If Angelique isn't your style, then I'm really happy with any Barnabus fic. Gen fic is great. Non-Angelique pairings are fine with me too, though please only canonical pairings in that case. Feel free to include any other characters/background pairings you like!

Greek: Cappie, Casey, Evan, Rebecca

I only included these characters because you can only have four, but feel free to throw in whoever else you want - especially Ashleigh and/or Calvin. I would be super thrilled with any kind of post-series fic. Gen fic focused on either Casey or Rebecca (or both) would be great, as would Casey/Rebecca femslash. I really like the Cappie/Casey/Evan OT3, so ANYTHING with that would be super delightful. I also really like Cappie/Casey and Evan/Rebecca. The friendship between Cappie and Evan is super interesting to me, so while I don't really ship them without Casey, some kind of gen brofic about them would be great. Also, as I said in the request, I love the idea of Rebecca/Ashleigh, so if you wanted to do that instead, I would be perfectly happy. Feel free to pretend I requested Ashleigh and go for it! Basically, I could just never figure out why there wasn't more fic in this fandom, and any story you want to tell about these characters will make me pretty happy.

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she-ra, dark shadows, greek, yuletide

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