Housekeeping Stuff

Sep 29, 2011 23:12

Okay, so three weeks ago I went to the FBR anniversary show in New York with inlovewithnight and romanticalgirl. It was super great! I met a bunch of people! I told them very earnestly about how profound Cobra Starship is. Some of those people have friended me since. Hi, guys! It was lovely to meet you; I'm pleased my drunken wretchedness did not scare you away.

Wow, that show was great. All of the Cobras seemed REALLY HAPPY, and Gabe was totally on his game. And, you know, TAI and GCH played and they were great too. Wow, three weeks. I'm the worst and this concert recap is no longer relevant. Also, by the time it was over I practically had to be carried out of the venue, so huge chunks of it are pretty hazy anyway. When Cobra tours again, do you think I can make every show between Charlotte and Boston if I time it right? I think probably so, as long as saving up vacation time is not a thing that's important to me. :/


Anyway, once again I've been absent for ages. :/ I really would like to get back in a headspace where I feel fannishly engaged, and I'm not totally sure how to do that, but part of it is getting my flist to a place where I feel like it's manageable. I went through and tried to align my DW circle and LJ flists (I miss posts on DW ALL THE TIME because I'm even lazier about my circle than my flist) and defriended people who I feel like I just don't interact with much, or who haven't posted in a long time. Definitely nothing personal, just me trying to get things under control.

Also, if I know you in RL and I did not meet you through fandom, I probably defriended you. This doesn't mean I don't love you! (People I just defriended include my roommate and my high school bffs). It means that I want to interact with the people on my flist in this space in a particular way and in a fannish context. When I first got LJ it was A Thing in New Orleans in the places I hung out, so it was both my fannish outlet and my main social networking platform. That's no longer the case and hasn't been for a long time. If you are a real life non-fannish person, I probably have other social networking spaces where we interact a lot more. (Or you *are* my roommate, in which case I come into your room uninvited and throw myself dramatically on your bed and tell you every minor detail of my life while you're trying to watch Weeds). I just kind of want a dedicated fannish space right now.


Probably no one cares about all of that, and I feel like I should follow it up with some insightful observation about all of the television I've been watching, but I have no particularly insightful observations despite watching ALL OF THE TELEVISION. Tonight I almost accidentally watched the season premiere of Supernatural, but I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to watch it as it airs or save it up until we know if this is actually, finally the last season, and if I watch the premiere that pretty much means I'm committed. (SPN, WHY CAN'T I JUST WALK AWAY??) I watched the season premiere of Gossip Girl instead. And...well, that certainly happened. But I *liked* all the characters more than I remember liking them in a long time. Maybe this season will be less frustrating? Though possibly not if *spoiler* is true. (You know the one I mean).

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supernatural, gossipgirl, hooraythecobra

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