(no subject)

Aug 30, 2011 12:15

Hi, fandom, hi.

I sort of inadvertently ended up taking about a month hiatus from DW/LJ. Notable things in the last month:

1) I Spent a week in New Mexico at my families' house in the mountains. It was the first time I'd been to New Mexico in three years, and the first time I'd been to the house in six. There was no Internet, no TV, no cell phone reception. I spent a lot of time reading, a lot of time thinking; I meant to spend a lot of time writing, both fic and just journaling (bought a new journal for the purpose) but when I got up there and gave myself permission to just be and not force anything and it didn't really happen. I read and drank and hung out with my family and though there was some kind of intense family stuff, it also was really relaxing and refreshing and exactly what I needed, though I wish it had been at least a week longer.

2)I Went to New York to see Sleep No More, which was intense and featured at least one moment that is among the *creepiest* things that's ever happened to me, but it was really good. And it was good to go to New York; I hadn't gone since September of 2009, even though it's so easy to do and I always have so much fun when I do go. I've been out of town every weekend (except the last one) for the past month and a half and I'll be out of town for the two weekends coming up. I think that's been really good - I needed some time away and to be someplace - or places - *different* for awhile. I really want to travel more - I've promised myself both New Mexico and New Orleans at LEAST once a year from here on out, but I need to work in other places too, even if it's just regular weekend trips.

3) There was an earthquake. I didn't like it.

4) There was a hurricane, on Katrina weekend. I really, really didn't like that, but we were lucky in that there wasn't really much damage here. I spent most of Saturday during the storm lying on the couch alternately watching Party Down, crying and sleeping, but I never lost electricity. I never even lost Netflix, so for all that my anxiety levels were at 11 all weekend, it was definitely an overreaction - an understandable one, I think, but still an overreaction.

5) Yesterday was the sixth anniversary of Katrina. I drank a lot of Abita Restoration Ale with my roommate and toasted New Orleans and then came home and called my NOLA friends. It's always a weird day, almost weirder this year because of Irene and because this is the first year all of the days of the week have synced up with what they were in 2005, but I felt pretty okay yesterday, actually.

Each of those things deserves its own post, and New Mexico probably deserves three or four, but I just haven't had the words in me lately. Night Shades was released yesterday, though, so you know, once I've listened to it enough times to over-analyze it, I bet I'll have words in me about that.

How are you guys? ♥

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dc, new mexico, theater, hooraythecobra, new orleans, katrina

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