Look, fannish content!

Nov 23, 2010 11:21

Today is better than the terrible day I had yesterday! But 1) that's not difficult and 2) it's probably largely because I'm working from home. But only today and tomorrow, and then I'm pretty excited about Thanksgiving and by "Thanksgiving" I mostly mean "pie, and watching horror movies with my brother," but it's going to be great.

1) So all over my flist there's stuff about the new Buffy movie sans Joss, and idek, I am pretty okay with this! And I liked Joss's response to it of "This is a sad, sad reflection on our times, when people must feed off the carcasses of beloved stories from their youths-just because they can't think of an original idea of their own, like I did with my Avengers idea that I made up myself." So, you know. Transformatives works ftw. I do think it's a little *soon* for a commercial reboot. BtVS hasn't even been off the air for ten years yet and you still arguably have active canon with the comics, so you're not going to get that really strong nostalgia factor you get with something like Star Trek, and I actually think that's kind of sad. In 10-15 years or so, a Buffy reboot would be a huge cult event and all the old fans would be crying in the theaters and it would be awesome. At this point we're still so close to the original that's it's just kind of "eh, okay, whatever." But sure, I'll watch it. It could be good! (Hell, I really like the original Kristy Swanson movie, and that's radically different even though it *was* Joss).

2) Also, also, flist, I have watched the first couple of episodes of Lost Girl, because I stumbled across it randomly, and how did none of you tell me about this? Obviously, it is utterly ridiculous and not without its issues, but also the main character is a canonically bisexual succubus. What? Amazing.

3) I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One! I liked it! I do not have any in-depth insight or anything, though I would read so much trio fic at this juncture, and that's not really something I was ever that into before.

On the walk the theater,
sohotrightnow and I were doing that thing where we talked about which house we think we would be in, and I said Ravenclaw because...I have always said Ravenclaw, but that was before grad school, and then I started thinking about how I feel about academia post-grad school, and you know, I am not at all sure that's right at all. So we were talking and came to the conclusion that if I'm not into academia enough to be a Ravenclaw, and I know I'm too lazy to be Hufflepuff and not ambitious enough to by Slytherin, that sort of leaves Gryffindor, which really gave me pause because that is definitely not how I ever would have identified before. But maybe it makes sense. I don't really know how brave I am, but I am definitely impulsive and prone to bad decisions, which also seem to be important characteristics.

4) I have finally listened to all of Danger Days, and I love it! Especially "Bullet Proof Heart," which I've pretty much been listening to on repeat for days now. "Vampire Money" is pretty great too. Gway, you are such a pretentious ass and it is hilarious.
inlovewithnight and I have tickets for the DC show and we'll probably be going to Philly too. \o/

5) I don't really have a five. But I am still paying attention to the rest of bandom! It's still kind of embarrassing how excited I get about Ryan and Brendon tweeting at each other. Also, Gabe has been adorable recently! I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop because that's what being a Gabe fan *is,* but I am enjoying his recent choices to be charming. All of the Cobras seem to be enjoying South America. Is now a good time to reiterate my standing request for Cobra Starship fic?

Flist, how are you today?

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axis of emo, mcr, hooraythecobra, lostgirl, patd, harry potter, btvs/ats

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