(no subject)

Jun 16, 2010 23:32

So I haven't been around much since...last Friday, I guess? I spent a good part of the weekend helping
sohotrightnow move and then I banned myself from LJ until job applications happened and then I just kept finding other ways to procrastinate like watching bad romantic comedies, making multiple alternative twitter accounts for different purposes and curling up in a fetal position whimpering and trying to make my head just slow down. Transition back to the work world: harder than anticipated, especially when there is little to no Internet access at work, which is currently the situation for me. Job hunt status: lolsob

Anyway, I am kind of scattered and disconnected fannishly, but I am here-ish despite the fact that my recent insistence that I would be around a lot more appears to have been overly optimistic. I really will get my bearings at some point, guys. Eventually!

I *DID* get my copy of Release Me and I adore it SO MUCH. Man, The Like delights me. They are so the best fannish thing to happen to me in recent memory.

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axis of emo, thelike

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