that nothing can untie me

Jun 08, 2010 23:56

1) So for my graduation my parents got me an iPad and it came today. So far it seems kind of like a really big ipod and typing is awkward and I don't know how to make it do very important things like play .avi files and why doesn't it have a usb port whyy yyyyy? However, as far as a portable Internet device I think it will be thoroughly awesome. Most importantly: I am never going to get caught reading fanfiction on a work computer again! Huzzah! Priorities!

2) Lady Gaga's new video came out today! I don't like it as well as "Bad Romance" or "Telephone" (though I like "Alejandro" as a song better than "Telephone") but I was still pretty into it. I'm pretty into most things Gaga does and is, though, not gonna lie.

3) Speaking of things out today, Take a Vacation was officially released. \o/ Now, I have a complicated relationship with music made by current and former members of Panic at the Disco and there are reasons for that, some of which are only tangentially connected to bandom/my media fannishness. I don't see that changing in the near future and I thought about posting about that, but you know what? It's not important, so whatever. I'm neurotic. That's all. Take a Vacation is a fun album; I like how much fun Ryan and Jon clearly had with it and I've really enjoyed the excitement about it I've seen all over my flist. My favorite song on it is still "Lie to the Truth" but the "Nothing Matters But You" duet with Z is currently making my *life."

4) Yesterday I may have had a breakthrough on a fic I've been stalled on for awhile and realized that the fic I thought I was writing is not even a little bit the fic that's actually in my head. On the one hand, good to know. On the other, I'm not sure I want to be writing the fic that it seems I'm actually writing. Huh.

5) I'm still pretty stressed about life in general, but I did not feel like bursting into tears even once at work today. Progress!

Now I should sleep, but I'm probably going to watch the season finale of Glee instead.

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axis of emo, tyv, glee, patd, thelike, ladaygaga

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