(no subject)

Jun 01, 2010 18:56

Happy Birthday inlovewithnight! I know I said that already, but I'm saying it again. I hope it was a great one! I'm so glad to know you, bb. ♥


I had such a good weekend filled with NO obligations. Saturday I didn't do much of anything, though I did manage to get my apartment clean enough that I now consider it livable, which had not been the case for awhile. Sunday I applied for a few jobs (not enough, but a few) and then went down to a cookout at cidercupcakes with the fangirl cabal and drank oh God, so much beer, and I didn't actually get home until almost midnight last night. Good weekend! I also managed to watch all of Community in about three days, some by myself and some with cidercupcakes and 'Night, and I sort of adore it, which is fun considering that I can list the number of sitcoms I have ever liked enough to seek out and watch on purpose on the fingers of one hand, so I'm always pleasantly surprised and pleased when one works for me. (Troy/Abed is the best thing ever).

Of course, then today I had to go back to work and I had a headache all day and I'm too incompetent to actually manage mail merges, which is just pathetic. However, at least I don't have homework, so I will just keep reminding myself of that. I DO have the new albums from The Young Veins and Gold Motel, so I may nap for a bit and then listen to those while I send out a few more job applications and I will not worry about schoolwork because there isn't any to worry about! Oh my goodness, that's such a good feeling. I'm still not used to it at all.

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tyv, dcfangirlcontingent, goldmotel

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