(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 16:55

This weekend I have cooked, gone grocery shopping, started cleaning, gotten rid of all my old papers and crap from previous semesters and purged my entire wardrobe when I decided I hated every piece of clothing I owned. It was not an unproductive weekend! I did not, however, do a single bit of homework. In four days. (This semester I have class and work T-Th. Mondays and Fridays are supposed to be devoted to job hunting, school work and trying to get an e-portfolio together. Hahahahaha. Ha. You can imagine how that plan is going.) So, tonight's going to be one of those all night homework cram nights. Good, good. I have no time management skills, but hey. At least I'm consistent.


In fannish news, this picture from VickyT's birthday party is pretty fantastic. It's almost as good as the one from Gabe's. There should be so much fic about both of those events.

Ok, question to those of you who've been paying more than just vague passing attention to TYV developments: what do we know about their touring musicians and is there any place I can find things out? I'm kind of ambivalent, but if I really am going to try to write epic Ryan-centric fic, I should at least have the basics. As of recently I follow them on twitter, but that's the extent of my knowledge. Also, only semi-relatedly, Alex Greenwald actually *lives* in New York? y/n?

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axis of emo, tyv, hooraythecobra, academia

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