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Jan 24, 2010 13:25

So, I've been thinking about Big Bang.

After last year, I swore I wasn't going to do it again. I still haven't reread that fic since I posted it. It got a pretty good reception and I'm sure it was fine; I'm not unsatisfied with it, so this isn't a fishing for compliments thing. It was just that finishing it on that deadline *with* all the schoolwork I had at the time (and I know that other people who are just as busy as I am do fine, but I'm a *slow* writer), topped off with the sheer size of the audience that Big Bang automatically has and the stress was...a lot. And now I really can't look at that story again. So last year after it was all over I was really glad I did it (mostly because of the fanmixes, not gonna lie, my fanmixes were all I listened to on repeat for about a month after I got them), but I was pretty sure I wasn't gonna do it again because I was clearly too neurotic to handle it.

So of course I signed up this year, even though this spring is going to be even worse than last spring school-wise. I don't know how that's going to go, but I'm just going to have to keep reminding myself that it's not a gift-exchange, so defaulting isn't the end of the world.


1) I think my first fic priority is my epically self-indulgent post-split Brendon/Ryan. I go back and pick at it and write pieces occasionally, but the rather pathetic truth is that the idea of it hits so many narrative buttons that it's almost incapacitating. I don't even know how to go about doing it justice and I don't know if I can actually write down the story in my head. It's big. And it's angsty *even for me* and I'm not really a fluff kind of girl. The ending will be optimistic at the very least, and will actually be happy if I feel like I can pull that off. Mostly I just need to write this fic so that I can stop thinking about it and maybe move on.
BBB seems like a long way away, and ideally this fic would be finished and posted before then, but I know myself and how slow I am, so pushing for the Big Bang deadline is probably a good call. If I did finish it early I wouldn't sit on until Big Bang (though I'd be tempted to because &fanmixes;), which would probably mean defaulting unless I could finish something else. But me writing two 20K+ fics in that amount of time is really unlikely.

2) The fucking Gabe gen epic I keep talking about. There is no way I would finish this one and the Brendon/Ryan by May. This is what I keep calling the the fucked-up-Watchmen-like-super-hero AU, but I have to figure out to what extent it's actually an AU because I'm pretty sure there are still bands and it follows the timeline and will involve a fuckton of Midtown research because I know my Midtown canon is shaky. I'm using the superhero thing less as an actual AU and more as a metaphor for Gabe's epic disillusionment. Mostly I just like to talk about the idea of this fic; I'm not at all sure how to write it. But I'm using this part of the Cobra Starship legend as the epigraph:

"I am a cobra," corrects the snake, "and the lights that have hounded you night after night are from the starship that brought me here. You see, I have been sent from the future to find you."

"Me?" Gabe asks, flattered and excited at the possibility of validating his existence. "Am I supposed to save the world!?"

"Uh, no," replies the cobra. "Not exactly. You see kid, there is no salvation."

And I'm calling it "Origin Story." And the idea of it makes me really excited. But I keep getting overwhelmed and not writing it (kind of the same problem I have with the Brendon/Ryan), so we'll see.

3) I really, really want to write a Z/Charlotte fic. They are hands down the most compelling The Like pairing for me. (I know; you're all shocked). I pretty much only write canon fic and I *long* for Z/Charlotte canon fic, but I've actually been getting AU ideas. That's pretty new for me. I really am so smitten with this band, it's like falling in love with bandom all over again. If I did manage to finish a second fic that could actually hit BBB length, it would probably be some kind of Z/Charlotte AU. I actually have a few solidish ideas, but I don't want to say more because that's always how I jinx myself and I have never even tried to write AU before. I do kind of want to write The Like femslash for Big Bang just on principle though, because the fight in the comments about how they shouldn't be included annoyed me so much.

4) The Z/Ryan canon fic. I've been working on this for awhile too, and I'm likely to finish it, maybe in the not too distant future, but I don't think there's any way at all it will hit 20K, so it's out of the running for Big Bang. It *might* hit 10K, but I felt like signing up for both waves of Big Bang would just be asking for more opportunities to make myself a neurotic wreck, and I don't really imagine I'm going to need help with that.

So I guess I start with the epically self-indulgent Brendon/Ryan and go from there? Oh my God, this fic. /o\ I feel like I get more self-indulgent every time I write Panic fic, but I'm pretty sure this one really takes it to the next level.

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axis of emo, tyv, hooraythecobra, patd, thelike

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