(no subject)

Dec 11, 2009 19:44

I went to the botanical gardens today and when I walked into the desert section, the feel of the dry air on my skin and the sight of a cactus made me tear up, I kid you not. I miss New Mexico at Christmas so, so much, there aren't even words. I was in NOLA for years, it is true, but for most of that time I got to go to New Mexico for Christmas. I enjoy Birmingham a lot, and I'm pretty glad my parents moved there because they like it and also them not living in *Roswell* anymore is A+ excellent as far as I'm concerned, but oh sometimes I miss the desert so much everything in me aches.

Today was my last day at my internship! It was also the official holiday party day, so they bought me a fairwell cake and then we all got to leave early. Then I went to my department's holiday party where there were the results of a cookie baking competition and incredible amounts of beer. We do grad student parties *right* around here, though I witnessed fewer drunk professor shenanigans than last year. Now I am full of cookies and beer and I am going to attempt to put the finishing touches on my Intellectual Property paper. This is clearly an exciting Friday night, but hopefully by the end of it I will be done with the semester except for the Postmodernism paper from hell - which is good because tomorrow is The Princess and the Frog, followed by early drinks/dinner with the DC fan contingent and then 80's night, so tomorrow will be awesome, but work is not a possibility.

Unrelatedly, I tried to watch the patd FBR Holiday chat video, but I got about 33 seconds in until I hit the Ryan question and then I had to shriek and close my browser and flail around my apartment for a bit, so. Just in case any of you were under the impression that I was someone who had achieved any semblance of rationality or perspective six months later, I would like to take this opportunity to disabuse you of that notion. I have the video saved in case a time ever comes when I can watch Brendon&Spencer interviews without twitching. Sorry, boys. You are very cute. It's not you, it's me. Okay, sometimes it's you, but this time it was definitely me. :(

Also, in today's edition of "fun with Gabe Saporta google alerts," we have a cracked.com article on scene kids. The article itself is pretty obnoxious, but it has the following to say about Gabe: A man on the forefront of this trend is Gabe Saporta of the band Cobra Starship, a 30-year-old who dresses like he's in preschool, and thinks that this somehow makes *you* the asshole. I seriously loled because okay, it's not *that* funny except that it is so concise and accurate and really speaks to the Gabe Saporta aesthetic. Sorry, Gabe, I mock because I love and it's funny because it's true.

That is all the content that I have. You know you missed me. I missed you!

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axis of emo, new mexico, tyv, hooraythecobra, patd

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