(no subject)

Nov 10, 2009 22:47

All I knew going into this episode was that there was a threesome. I had sort of hoped it would involve Blair and Serena, but I don't know how that would have worked because I really can't imagine Serena sleeping with Chuck or Blair sleeping with someone who is not Chuck. I'm glad that Serena and Blair have acknowledged that they love each other best. I'm equally glad that Chuck and Blair are still going strong (and I love how her only concern about the fact there was a stripper was "...is she wearing my lingerie?"), though Blair's s3 characterization hasn't been my favorite (tonight was a little better), and I don't love Chuck being, like, the ~adult~ in the relationship or whatever, just like I didn't like it last season when people would use Chuck's assholishness to exonerate Blair for her obnoxious behavior. They are manipulative children who deserve each other. That is WHY THEY ARE AMAZING. This show really better not fuck up Chuck/Blair.

As for the actual threesome, I can get behind Dan/Olivia/Vanessa.

Also, Jenny had what I guess was the A plot? But I didn't care. Though the rift between Eric and Jenny is kind of sad. I will say that Taylor Momsen is gorgeous this season.

I never talk about "How I Met Your Mother," but since we're already on the subject of my bullet-proof partners-in-crime kink, how badly did they drop the ball on Barney/Robin? And why? The potential there was AMAZING and they're broken up seven episodes into the season without any real exploration of how being in that relationship would have affected them? (Barney binge-eating doesn't count). Missed opportunities! Though maybe I'm whining too early since I suspect the break up isn't forever after that build up. Still the handling of that relationship this season has been a let down. It's also weird for me to watch this show as it airs, since I devoured the first four season in about a month this summer, so that could be part of it. Watching a show live is always different than on DVD.

I was going to whine about school and work and my continuing existential crisis about what I'm doing with my life, but I'm too tired to even summon the energy for whining right now.

Here, have a video of a cat being fed with chopsticks

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