So my goal to be better about keeping up with fannish stuff has been going really, really badly. There is lots of school reading! And I can't check LJ at the internship (<- really a big part of the problem). I've also been attempting to go to bed at something resembling a decent hour so that I'm not a zombie all the time.
UGH. School is fine. I just don't really want to do it. Luckily it's only 8 more months. Then I will probably have a desk job that I don't want to do. Assuming I get lucky and have a job at all. HAHA yeah okay, don't mind me. I'll just be over here with my 'what am I doing with my life, oh god' angst. /o\
Yesterday was great. I went over to
cidercupcakes's house with
baked_goldfish and
spiderwebb. We had cupcakes and those who were not me had steak and there was lots of multifannish conversation and we did X-Files: Krycek 101 for 'Night and Spiderwebb. It's been a long time since I've rewatched XF in any kind of order. I still really love that show, but wow does it not make sense. Like, *really* it doesn't make sense. Krycek is still pretty great, but a good deal whinier than I remembered. I'm also a lot more amenable to Mulder/Krycek than I used to be. However, I am also still apparently an insane Mulder/Scully shipper, so it's good to know that never goes away. Krycek/Marita also still reduces me to flailing glee. I have a button that the very *idea* of that ship just punches *so hard.* My name is Hannah and I still ship Krycek het. Idek, what are you gonna do?
Today I had to NOT go to
fiercynn's Merlin party so that I could stay home and read Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. It's, like, 80 pages long and it took me ALL DAY, which tells you something - but mostly what it tells you is about my inability to focus on things that bore me. I still have to write a reaction paper and that may or may not happen tonight. Apparently I am feeling blocked and hostile not only when it comes to writing fanfic, but also when it comes to academic writing. So that's awesome and bodes well for the rest of the semester. Not that academic writing is my favorite thing under the best circumstances.
I did take a break to watch Merlin a little bit ago. A+++ Wow, that show is among the gayest things I've ever seen and I was in QaF fandom. That's not subtext, it's foreplay. I love it.
I watched SPN on Thursday, I just haven't really been around since then. I really like the whole Four Horseman thing; I'm into that. The guy who played war is pretty creepy, and the way they were all just tricked into killing each other was chilling. I'm less into the "we're going to find God" bit because I don't know that I think they can pull that off in a way I'm going to take seriously, but props to Jared, Jensen and Misha for managing to get even one take of getting through that scene without cracking up. I mean, I get that Castiel needing the amulet was symbolic or whatever, but it was also kind of stupid? Like, I know SPN makes emotional sense even when it makes fuck all sense-sense, and that usually doesn't bother me, but a little more sense-sense, with all this Dean is a vessel stuff wouldn't go amiss.
Jo! Ellen! Hooray! Also Jo, Ellen and Rufus all survived the episode! Who saw that coming? I certainly didn't.
I thought the split at the end was very well done as far as the scene itself. Logic-wise I can't *quite* figure out why not having Sam around is going to make Dean worry *less.* I mean, even if he's choosing the Great Apocalyptic Battle over Sam or whatever at this point, wouldn't it still be in his best interest to make sure Sam doesn't go all demony and end up on the other side of said Battle? I'm just saying. Even if Sam's shouldn't be hunting shouldn't they at least be in regular contact to make sure that doesn't happen? I don't really think the split is going to last that long anyway, unless Kripke & CO. *are* going to go the Sam-as-antichrist route and that's what we're building toward.
I kind of wish I was going to see The Sounds tomorrow, but I am not and it's probably for the best, school-work wise. Now I should go write my response paper. I'll probably end up folding laundry and reading Harry/Draco fic instead. Suddenly there are H/D recs for stories I haven't read all over my flist and my delicious network. I don't know what's going on, but I know I like it.