(no subject)

Jun 24, 2009 17:50

Know what's excellent for the sake of my sanity? IT IS NOT ACTUALLY POSSIBLE TO COMMENT ANONYMOUSLY ON GABE SAPORTA'S BLOG. You at least have to make a username, and the thought of that whole process calmed me down enough that I realized that engaging would just be an exercise in masochism. (
inlovewithnight pointed this out earlier, but I think I had to realize it for myself).


Besides, my whole comment would probably have been:

Dear Gabe,


-random username

I can't imagine that would have been helpful in any way.

But really, Saporta, are you kidding me with this shit? No, no you're not. So not only is the person who's a "hot mess" a woman, she's a woman of color. Wow, awesome. (Note: Of course I do not think it was their intention for the album cover to be racially charged/coded. I also think that does not matter even a little bit because if they can't see why it is, I don't even know what to do with that).

What really disappointed me was how dismissive he was to this comment, though I don't know why I'm even surprised anymore. It's been awhile since hoping for the best wrt Cobra Starship has gotten me anything except a headache from BANGING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL IN RAGE-FILLED FRUSTRATION. It's my own fault; I know this. I do it to myself. But I just can't walk away.

I get the joke. I get the Viva reference, but it doesn't work. When the whole Cobra Starship *thing* works, it works because, really, it's based in self-deprecation and they're poking as much fun at themselves as they are at anyone else. That's why it's charming and that's what saves them from being obnoxious assholes - or, you know, they're obnoxious assholes anyway, but it's okay because everyone is in on the joke. (And if you have been reading this journal for any length of time, you know how much I love them as a general rule and how well the whole Cobra Starship thing works for me when it's working). When it ceases to be *clearly and intentionally* based in self-deprecation and, as the comment I linked said, "all of us being ridiculous together," then it pretty much stops working at all.

UGH. 3:20 in the morning and I am wide awake because I passed out at 9:30 after too much wine and then woke up at 2:00. I spent most of the day following the warnings discussion and getting more and more disheartened, but I figure if I have anything more substantial to say about that then it deserves its own post. WTF, internet, I did not enjoy you today.

axis of emo, fandom, hooraythecobra

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