Ship meme

May 28, 2009 17:45

I want to do that ship meme. Gacked from everyone! Do I get 10 or 15? It seems to vary so I'm going to go with 15, because that's more. The list is chronological through my fannish trajectory and not at all in order of importance. It mostly features the same characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer in various combinations. *hands*

1) Lestat/Louis (The Vampire Chronicles)
2) Barnabus/Angelique (Dark Shadows)
3) Mulder/Scully (The X-Files)
4) Krycek/Marita (The X-Files)
5) John/Aeryn (Farscape)
6) Scorpius/Sikozu (Farscape; SHUT UP YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MY PAIN)
7) Buffy/Angel/Spike (Ok, so this is cheating, because I like all three ships individually and I passionately ship B/A and A/S deep in my heart, and there was a time in my fannish life when I shipped B/S just as passionately too, but I need the space, okay? And I feel like post-Chosen/NFA in any of these dynamics the absent third is always relevant.)
8) Buffy/Faith
9) Angel/Darla
10) Spike/Drusilla
11) Brian/Justin (QaF)
12) Veronica/Logan (Veronica Mars)
13) Kara/Lee (BSG)
14) Helo/Athena (BSG)
15) Brendon/Ryan (bandom, PatD)

That was actually a lot harder than I thought. Huh. So there's my dirty secret; I tend to fall hardest for the canon het. The lack of femslash is just sad and the shortage of slash is actually surprising. Also, though, clearly I end up falling for canon ships in general, because except for Brendon/Ryan, Buffy/Faith and (arguably, though I might fight you on it) Angel/Spike, all of the ships on the list are canon. Patterns: A/S and B/F are the same ship. A/S is Louis/Lestat inverted. Angel/Darla and Barnabas/Angelique are (pretty much exactly) the same ship. Sikozu/Scorpius and Krycek/Marita are the same ship (so is Eve/Lindsey, which isn't on the list, but which I sure loved for many of the same reasons; I would put Gaius/Caprica!Six, which I *also* loved in this category too). Are there other patterns? I like antagonism and/or UST and/or moral ambiguity? Though not all of the pairings fit that criteria.

It's interesting because I read more slash than anything, but the pairings I read the most for aren't necessarily my hard core OTPs. I love Harry/Draco and Merlin/Arthur and Gwen/Morgana and Eric/Vince (who despite being the most codependent of best friends are somehow the exception to my 'I don't actually ship codependent bffs' rule) and Jared/Jensen and Idina Menzel/Kristin Chenoweth (during my brief Wicked RPFS phase) and pretty much all bandom combinations but if we're talking ships that have obsessed me and brought on full on fannish flail, it's really the ones above that have done that. (And most of them still do - I'm kind of over Kara/Lee and Buffy/Spike these days, but otherwise I still get a little flailful).

For fun here are ten pairings where I am super, super invested in the platonic dynamic. I don't necessarily object to that dynamic being sexualized, but it's the platonic relationship that interests me most.

1) Sam&Dean (SPN)
2) Doctor&every companion ever, but especially Rose and Martha. Yes, I know this is thwarted by the text. (Dr. Who)
3) Angel&Cordy. Fuck you, Joss. (AtS)
4) Brian&Michael (QaF)
5) Pete&Patrick (bandom, FoB)
6) Ryan&Spencer, despite my 24,000 words Ryan/Spencer BBB fic. (bandom, PatD)
7) Gabe&his entire stupid band (bandom, Cobra Starship)
8) Veronica&Wallace (Veronica Mars)
9) John&Chiana (Farscape)
10) Jack&Gwen, also kind of thwarted by the text, I know, I know. (Torchwood)

axis of emo, doctorwho, torchwood, veronica mars, vampire_chronicles, entourage, hooraythecobra, x-files, meme, patd, btvs/ats, farscape, supernatural, fob, bsg, qaf, dark shadows, merlin

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