(no subject)

Mar 19, 2009 00:20

It's 12:20. I have a paper due tomorrow that I'm not done with. (I actually have three papers due tomorrow, two of which I *am* done with, so yay?) I cannot motivate myself; I don't care and psychoanalytic film theory makes me want to stab my own eyes out. (My paper is not actually about psychoanalytic film theory, but the readings for tomorrow were, so I had to do that too). If I have to read one more word about castration anxiety, I will not be held responsible for my actions.

All I want to do is write fanfic. The only time I feel motivated to write fanfic is when I have something else EXTREMELY PRESSING that I should be doing/should have done days ago. I hate my brain. Tomorrow night I am going to reward myself for surviving this week by catching up on television. I need to watch Kings because that's all you guys are talking about and I don't like to feel left out! Most shows I have started watching in the last three years, I have started watching for this reason. Tomorrow I will have time to write fanfic, but I probably won't feel motivated to do so anymore.

Here, have a link to something completely hilarifying! In a shocking turn of events, it is unrelated to bandom.

I'm getting a little bit hysterical now. Wish me luck and sanity! /o\

my neuroses: let me show you them, academia

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