(no subject)

Mar 06, 2009 13:40

Conversation on the bus last night with one of my classmates:

*discussion of how he's apprehensive about the new Star Trek movie because it is odd numbered*

*discussion of how The X-Files ruined my life*

*discussion of Dr. Who*

him: I watched Dr. Who before it was cool

me: I didn't, but I've watched some Old Who. Some of the First Doctor, some of the Fourth Doctor, mostly.

him: *blink* *in Tom Baker voice* You're using the terminology correctly

me: I have geek cred! *thinks: you have met me, right?*

*discussion of our issues with New Who*

me: so do you watch Torchwood?

him: no

me: You should! EVERYONE SHOULD. I have the dvds if you want!

*discussion of aliens that eat orgasmic energy and how television will never be that good again*

him: I don't know about Torchwood (here I expected to be disappointed because I'm afraid he's going to say something about the queer content. He goes on to say:) It always just struck me as the BBC trying to do Joss Whedon. Like that Angel show, you know?

me: *surprised laughter* I . . . well . . . yes, actually.

It's not a new observation, but definitely an amusing one coming from someone who doesn't actually watch either show.

Spring Break! I am trying to work up the motivation to go to the bank and clean my apartment. It's two o'clock and I haven't yet worked up the motivation to get dressed. I also need to pack for New York tomorrow.

Watchmen tonight! I'm mostly excited about this because I LOVE big-deal cultural event movies. It usually doesn't even matter what they are. Audience participation! Palpable enthusiasm! People in costumes! Yay Yay Yay! I only read Watchmen two weeks ago, so I haven't really had the time to get invested. However, since the last two big-deal cultural event movies I saw were Twilight and HSM3 I'm *really* looking forward to this one because I actually expect it to be, you know, good.


ETA Way after the fact, because I don't really know where BSG came from. I meant Dr. Who.

torchwood, movies, aliens_that_eat_orgasmic_energy

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