(no subject)

Feb 03, 2009 01:12

I am going to put this here on the chance that having it in public will motivate me.


1) Brendon/Ryan/Keltie - Big Bang? The word count is already there, it just needs an ending that works. Will probably ignore any canon post HCT.
2) Alex/Ryland w/ neverneverfic. Goal: end of March
3) Angel/Spike for grazieprego (note to self: CHECK PROMPTS. or OIS prequel?)

Fics that hopefully will be finished in a timely fashion:

1) Ryan/Spencer (& Brendon/Shane) future!fic - all of my reservations re: BFF ships articulated in obnoxious ways. But! happy ending.
2) Eric/Vince (Entourage) - if I finished the above, I may not even have to write this, but I already have the last scene and I like it.
3) Buffy/Faith - abandoned fic for last year's lynnevitational OIS prequel (companion piece to the A/S?)
4) canon-compliant (except for the obvious) Keltie/always-been-a-girl!Ryan. Because someone should.

I also have a paper I'm not writing right now that I'm going to have to kill myself over tomorrow and Wednesday. If I would just do what I am supposed to do when I am supposed to do it I would feel like I have so much more free time. Alas, I remain completely unable to motivate myself. Today I went to a workshop on campus about how to use Final Cut Pro and then I came home and played with imovie. (So productive! Yes, I know). Flist! If I had hypothetical vid thoughts and absolutely no talent whatsoever is there hypothetically anyone with talent who would be up for truly excessive amounts of handholding?

axis of emo, supernatural, fic!

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