Supernatural 4x13

Jan 30, 2009 14:22

SPN: "After School Special"

Well, it was aptly named. I think I actually physically rolled my eyes when Sam was talking to the ghost about how high school sucks, but you get through it. Sam, I would just like to point out that your life now is WORSE THAN HIGH SCHOOL.

I really wanted this episode to work for me. I was looking forward to it, but I don't feel like I got anything new out of it at all. I don't know! I've been so eh about the whole season (except for "In the Beginning" which I love) that I'm probably not the person anyone wants to listen to, but eh. There were a few moments that I wish had worked for me: Sam with the teacher, Dean and his girls, etc, etc. There was a lot of potential I think, but I felt like it fell flat - mostly because I already knew everything they were telling me *shrug*

I thought Colin Ford did a really good job. I liked Brock Kelly too, more or less. He had the right look for Dean and every once in awhile he nailed the delivery, but a lot of the time he didn't pull off the Dean bravado. Admittedly he was playing younger Dean, so the bravado would not have been as solidly in place then, maybe, but it occurred to me that I cut Dean a lot of slack because I find Jensen-as-Dean so irrationally charming even when I want to punch him. Brock-as-Dean I pretty much just wanted to punch.

Also, this show continues to have casually problematic language and imagery that bothers me - probably it doesn't have a lot more of that than most shows, but I am overly sensitive to it on SPN now.

This sounds negative. I didn't hate it; I was just kind of bored. There has been a lot of filler and they've been laying a lot of ground work. I am ready for the plot to move forward now.


Also. I told some people I would type up my thoughts on True Blood once I was done with it and I finished it last night, so.

I have a weakness for Louisiana and vampires, so it was always going to get in on that level (though I've heard the books are better). There were things about it I liked - one of them being the Bill/Sookie relationship. I never quite got into it because I never saw a lot of chemistry between them (though the sex was hot) but I liked that he did the pursuing. I am SO TIRED of vampires who hate themselves and everything they are and fall in love with humans and then must be self-sacrificing and penitent and leave their One True Love in order to protect them. Blech. Also yawn. That worked brilliantly on Buffy, of course, but it hasn't worked for me since and since I'm still suffering from PTSD (Post-Twilight Stress Disorder) I just kind of assumed True Blood was going to go there and it was refreshing that it didn't, though Bill is still a little angst ridden for my taste. Again, it worked for Angel, but now I'm over it. That said, I liked Sookie as a character and I felt like the show started off slowly, but did pick up toward the end of the season.

I called Rene as the killer the second he proposed; I don't remember which episode that was in. In these situations, I just have to think to myself "who as the killer would disappoint me most?" It's pretty reliable. Based on that logic, it had to be Rene or Lafayette. And it was Rene and Lafayette is dead. :( I don't think I want to watch this show without Lafayette.

True Blood didn't really suck me in (haha, suck) but it was entertaining enough for the most part. The one thing that made me really uncomfortable was the blatant analogy being drawn between the "out" vampires and the current debates over gay rights. Yes, the vampires were, in large part, sympathetic and we were supposed to think they should have rights. HOWEVER, large portions of them REALLY WERE killing people and doing all of the things the "right wing" was accusing them of. THIS IS NOT A GOOD PARALLEL because by that logic large portions of the gay community are what? Actually pedophiles? That is a REALLY REALLY uncomfortable - and kind of fucked up - metaphor.

supernatural, true_blood

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