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redbrickrose November 25 2008, 19:50:10 UTC
However, some of fandom's reaction claiming that "Sam/Ruby is sick and wrong!!!!" at the same time it was raving about how much in luuuuurrrrve Sam and Dean are and how the canon was giving evidence of this broke my Ewww meter.

Yes, this exactly. I'm actually not particularly bothered by Sam/Ruby the way it was done. I am periodically bothered by Wincest, but it's not a big deal or something I would have even brought up except for this. I would be sympathetic to people who have issues with the demon-fucking. If the main issue is that it gets in the way of the incestuous OTP, I'm . . . less sympathetic. If I'm going to pick one of those pairings to be squicked by, it's not going to be Sam/Ruby.

A lot of this season has fallen flat for me, and I really don't know why. ALL of the pieces I should love are there and I *should* be eating up and I'm . . . not. I think maybe it's me.

I liked the whole Anna ripped out her grace and fell to earth because it makes it about free will, there were pretty CGI lights, and it's an interesting literalization of the concept of Angels falling

I liked it well enough once I got over my initial this-is-ridiculous reaction. It wasn't what I was expecting, but in the context of the show I think that kind of literalization makes sense. It's a very SPN way to handle it.

I find it perfectly in character that Dean went the denial and repression "everything is totally normal, SEE?" way. What we did get was good, even if way too little.

I think it was absolutely in character for him to do that; I just don't really buy that he would be so successful at it. Clearly he was upset and something was wrong, but up until recently, we didn't get a lot of hints of deep trauma. At the beginning of the season I totally believed that he didn't remember anything and I was surprised that we were supposed to believe that he did. I did like what we got, but I think it was *way* too little.

But yes, the confession was well done. Oh, Dean.

Thank you. I would like to blame it on the far north, but in reality it happens every winter. :(


netweight November 26 2008, 00:10:20 UTC
This was the first time the Wincest bothered me, and it wasn't the pairing itself, it was fandom's reaction of deeming one pairing EVAL and the other twue-pure-lurve. Yes, because incest it's so much more morally irreprehensible and healthy. Way to have absolutely no perspective left. (And this is why people outside the fandom think it is crazy and man, I don't blame them. I mean, I am extremely sympathetic towards Sam/Dean and my reaction was "oh, yuck.")

Maybe the reason why this season isn't working for you has nothing to do with the show itself and is more related with the fact that you're busy and worried with school and just don't have the emotional availability to engage. Or maybe it really is the show itself, lord knows that many people are complaining that this season isn't working for them but, personally I have no idea why it is that because I don't think there hasn't been an episode so far where I haven't *flailed* at the screen.

My fanwank is that he didn't actually remember it until Yellow Fever and Lilith's hallucination telling him to "search inside yourself. You know why." I don't know what's the official position on this but if it is that he has always remembered it, I'm just ignoring it and sticking with my interpretation which is way better because it actually makes sense. (Whatever, show, you're no match for my amazing fanwanking powers.)

I suggest vaccination. Or some kind of alternative preemptive treatment. (I used to get sick every winter too until I demanded to have a shot but because I wasn't in any of the risk groups, I did some alternative thinguie that involved awful tasting liquid dead bacterias or something equally disgusting. That was 3 years ago, haven't been sick in winter since. Seriously, so very *very* worth it.)


redbrickrose November 26 2008, 05:10:24 UTC
Way to have absolutely no perspective left.

Pretty much. I so need that on an icon.

That did occur to me; I'm so stressed right now and I'm definitely not engaging like I used to - though there have been moments. I loved "In the Beginning." The final scene, where Dean realizes Mary made a deal? YES YES YES. Symmetry! Perfect emotional continuity! The Winchester's shared tragic flaw! THAT IS WHAT I WANT FROM YOU SPN. I do like this season better than last season, though.

Okay. I also choose to believe that he didn't remember until "Yellow Fever." I could buy that; it just doesn't make sense the other way.

Everybody keeps asking me if I got a flu shot. I did not. Because I'm pretty dumb, actually, since I could have gotten one on campus without too much hassle. I should definitely take steps to prevent this.


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