Does anybody know of any RPF/S fanvids that are really well done? In any fandom, I don't care.
I was thinking today about how I haven't really come across that many that I've liked. There's, like, one RPS vid that really stands out for me and that was CWRPS, and it makes sense that there aren't fanvids in RPF fandoms the way there are in other fandoms because the canon really is so different. But we do have more caught on video canon now. And what we DO have in a fandom like bandom are the songs themselves, which could be really interesting. Semi-relatedly, I've been thinking about
counteragent's SPN-meta vid
Still Alive for DAYS (and if there's anyone left who hasn't watched that, you should. BRILLIANT) and then I was listening to FUCT on the metro and "Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year" came on and, like, if ANY song was ever crying out to be a vid full of metacommentary on the fandom itself and the fandom's relationship to the source text, it's that one. We`re the lifers /here `til the bitter end,/ Condemned from the start,/ Ashamed of the way, /The songs and the words own the beating of our hearts.
I am just saying.
Yeah, I don't even know what that would look like and I know fuck all about vidding, so I'm only typing this up because I'm completely delirious and therefore not bothering to filter my random fannish thoughts. I'm currently procrastinating on a brand new assignment that I don't want to do any more than I wanted to do the assignment I wasn't doing yesterday. Seriously, I have been staring at the computer screen so long that I just looked over at my window and the blinds were breathing. Not FAIR having hallucinogen side effects without the hallucinogens.
Anyway! Vid recs, please?