(no subject)

Oct 21, 2008 14:34

A couple of things:

Gerard thinks he wouldn't survive the zombie apocalypse and my world is askew. I had a very clear personal canon about what various bandom band members would do in the event of the zombie apocalypse and my money was on MCR to survive it if anyone was going to. I HAVE GIVEN THIS A LOT OF THOUGHT. Gerard Way, if you mean to tell me that you don't have a zombie apocalypse survival strategy in place, I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU.

I am creepily enamored of Keltie Colleen. This isn't new, except I thought I was getting better. Then she goes and quotes "Northern Downpour" in her heart clenchy blog posts. More than any other person in any way affiliated with bandom, Keltie makes me feel like a creep. I alternate between only tangentially acknowledging her existence so that I feel less weird and writing epic fic from her pov that is perpetually unfinished and that I don't show anyone but neverneverfic. D:

Last night I got a lot done on my paper and so I was feeling really good and kind of like I might pull this off and maybe I am not a poser and maybe I am not going to fail. Today I am less certain. I am currently having rapid and arbitrary mood swings in a way I haven't experienced since I stopped taking the birth control pills that made me crazy.

Notice how the more I should be doing schoolwork, the more frequent and random my blog posts get? YEAH. It was either that or disappear off the internet for months.

Also, is there wank going on that I missed somewhere? People keep alluding to drama and to how difficult lj/fandom is and I don't know what they're talking about. (I mean, obviously it can be, but I think I'm missing specific context). And multiple people have up and left LJ recently. The first one on my flist who did I understood and I'm pretty sure that wasn't wank related, but there have been at least two more since then and a couple more I've heard about. Everybody should do what they feel they have to and move on if this isn't working, yes, but there just seems to be a pattern emerging.

I . . . don't guess I really want particular wank details or anything, because I usually don't even want to know when it's happening around me. But in general terms, is there something going on?

axis of emo, mcr, patd, zombie_apocalypse

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