(no subject)

Aug 03, 2008 00:11

Is there a reason I'm not seeing lots and lots of newspaper articles about the fact that they've confirmed that there's water on Mars? Because that seems like a REALLY BIG DEAL to me.


Secret message to songgirl12 - today I went to the bookstore to replace my lost books. They didn't have them, of course, but now I do own both Bel Canto and The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay. Just like you told me to.


I keep reading bios from the other students in my grad program and I'm fairly convinced I am inferior and doomed to failure. Rather than make further attempts to organize my life in helpful ways (like, oh, securing a job) I have pretty much just been ignoring it by writing fic. But I'm still not done. I WILL NEVER be done.


neverneverfic is not here. :( Her flight was delayed so she couldn't get in tonight. She comes in early tomorrow, so we're not missing a lot of time. But there is crazy fangirling to be done!

I am glad she will be here to distract me because at this point I am moving to DC in less than two weeks. It really takes all my composure not to spend half my time hyperventilating in the corner.

dc, my neuroses: let me show you them, birmingham

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