(no subject)

Jul 13, 2008 01:55

You know, I don't think anyone ever fully conveyed to me the hilarity that is Pete Wentz on One Tree Hill. southernbangel tried, but she was coming at it from the OTH side of things rather than the bandom side, so clearly I wasn't paying enough attention. Sex with teenagers! Discussion of how people know him through his blog entries! Incredible awkwardness! All while playing himself! The whole thing is so incredibly appropriate and I was delighted and intrigued (how would fic about that even work? It's like half-rpf) when I wasn't having embarrassment squick. How had I never seen this before?

I just got back from hanging out with Lee and with marenfic. We played Rockband and watched the Pete episodes of OTH, which was awesome for both Lee and me because that would be the point at which our current fannish experiences intersect. It may have been less awesome for Maren but she was, as always, patient and indulgent. They also told me I could play them three bandom songs so that they knew what I was talking about. This is an impossible choice to make. I ended up with "Northern Downpour," "The Boys are too Refined" and "Guilty Pleasure." Of course, Cobra requires an introduction, because I feel it is important to understand Gabe's existential crisis going in, so there was a lot of me attempting to articulate my love for Gabe and failing. Whatever, that happens a lot.

We also saw Hancock. I enjoyed it. The first half was exactly what I expected, but as soon as the we're gods! plotline started it was nothing like I expected. But that was okay. I don't know if it's actually good or not because my narrative buttons were being pushed so hard I really couldn't see beyond that. Star-crossed immortals! HELLO BULLET-PROOF KINK. Haven't seen you in awhile.

Speaking of my narrative buttons, let's talk about the Dr. Who finale. Mostly, I thought it was silliness. It was silliness that worked for me, though, so I was cool with it. I am all about dramatic reunions and so I completely loved it that everybody showed up. I wasn't expecting Mickey and I'm sad that he didn't bring his boyfriend, but if he really ends up on Torchwood, I think I can overlook that. I can also probably overlook the fact that Jack made out with NO ONE. AGAIN. If we get both Mickey *and* Martha, which it looks like we probably will. I love Donna, you guys, but Martha is still > everyone, sorry.

Rose/Jack/Doctor remain my Dr. Who OT3. (This does not in any way affect the OT3 status of Jack/Ianto/Gwen). The two doctors thing was more silliness and the Rose/human Doctor thing was fan service. It was sort of dumb and I hate myself a little bit for the way it actually worked for me. I didn't even ship them! But I really like Rose and apparently I can be bought with dramatic partings and the potential for Ten to have YET MORE emo pain.

And . . . Ten's emo pain. GOD. I spent most the episode finding the whole thing campy and fun in the way that only DW can be, but even the Rose things just kind of made me "awwww" because we did that dramatic parting already and it was way more painful the first time. I was not deeply affected by this episode.

Until Donna had her memory wiped and can never remember anything or she'll die and all of her character development is gone and Ten is alone again. And then I was deeply affected. Holy SHIT. I thought we would at least get Donna for two seasons and if not . . . what a painful way to lose her. Effective, but painful. It went from silliness to OH MY GOD in a hurry. DONNA. Oh, my heart. I have read nothing about next season, so I do wonder who they're going to bring in. And do we have to change a major cast member *every* season? Really?

ANYWAY, the above notwithstanding, I feel like I have very little to contribute to fandom at the moment because I'm not gonna lie. All I want to do is sit around watching my X-Files dvds and waiting for July 25th. I was pretending that I was not excited, but I realized yesterday that it was totally a front when I found myself watching episodes on sci-fi from one of the seasons that I like to pretend didn't happen just because they would show previews for the new movie during the commercial breaks. I was trying not to get my hopes up because I think XF can still disappoint me, (though I'm hoping it can't really hurt me anymore, it was so many fandoms ago), but who am I kidding? My hopes are up. CHRIS CARTER YOU BASTARD. FINE. You can have one more chance.

axis of emo, doctorwho, birmingham, torchwood, fob, movies, x-files, hooraythecobra, fannish_promiscuity, recovering x-phile

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