The Stolen Earth

Jun 30, 2008 01:31

The minute Rose and Ten started slow-motion running toward each other I was absolutely convinced that Rose was going to die, so well played, I guess. I didn't see that coming. SURPRISE!REGENERATION! Have I just been too distracted by Brendon Urie to notice other fandoms, or did we really not know about that?

I didn't expect to like the Rose plot line; I never even shipped Ten and Rose, but I should have known better because I always liked Rose and I'm a sucker for big, dramatic reunions, so it worked for me. And I always want more Martha and the Torchwood team (there is just never enough Jack Harkness in my life). Sarah Jane! Harriet Jones! (What a *fantastic* exit). For most of the episode it mostly seemed like they were just coming up with an excuse to have Old Home Week, but I think they brought it at the end with Davros and the surprise regeneration. I don't think I have the background with Old Who to fully appreciate the return of Davros. I *have* see Genesis of the Daleks, but it took me a minute to remember and connect the dots. I get it, but not on the gut level that an old school Dr. Who fan would have. That must have been fun for you guys.

I'm torn between wanting to spoiled and wanting to wait and be surprised. Is Ten really gone? Wouldn't we have known about that?


In other news, still no apartment. Still working on it, though clearly I need to be working harder. My brother got into town this evening, though, so that probably means I'll spend the next couple days eating junk food and watching horror movies.

doctorwho, torchwood

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