Chicago HCT, etc

May 29, 2008 12:57

Happy birthday leni-ba! And happy belated birthday to netweight! And to anyone else I missed? I've only sort of been around.

I am unlikely, at this point, to write any kind of long Chicago HCT review, mostly because everyone else has done it better, but a few things.

First of all, Hushies. ♥______♥ I was all GRETA SALPETER, MARRY ME when they came out to play percussion for Phantom Planet before they ever went on. And then they did go on. Oh, my heart. And not just Greta! Bob! Chris! Darren, guh. Darren, who knew? You guys, it hurts me in my soul that I can't go to any of the shows on their headlining tour.

Secondly, I have not been reading concert recaps because I haven't been reading much of anything (I'm a bad lj friend! Sorry!) and so I don't feel I was fully prepared for how adorable Panic at the Disco is live. Everything about them is so ridiculous that I found myself laughing through most of the show, I admit, because what is that stage? And then I bought their hoodie, which has to be the most hideous piece of band merch in existence and yet is so ridiculously adorable that it's almost back around to cute again. I was unprepared for how much I would love the new versions of their old stuff; I thought I would hate the acoustic "Time to Dance," but I adore it completely. I was unprepared for how confident and talkative Ryan would be on stage and I was even *more* unprepared for my reaction to that, which mostly consisted of I'M SO PROUD OF HIM and then feeling super creepy. I was unprepared for Jon being barefoot and Spencer having a microphone and Brendon's existence. I was unprepared for my reaction to Ryan and Brendon playing their guitars at each other and mic sharing, because, you know, I start to think that I love all Panic pairings and read all Panic pairings and like gsf best and I'm actually over that thing where Ryan/Brendon makes me all flailing crazysauce, but I'm just not. I'm just NOT. Oh, my heart. I was unprepared for this show to make me love them MORE than I already did, because I didn't think it was possible. IT WAS POSSIBLE. I can't wait for the Vegas show, though I'm staying out of the pit at that one too. At this one I was first row in the balcony with finny91, blossyn and natacup82 and I just kept looking down at the pit and thinking thank GOD I'm not in that. I'm just not that hardcore.


Also, Pete Wentz and Ashlee Simpson are having a baby. This leaves me with an overwhelming emotion of "eh, whatever," because I am the type of cold, heartless person who is completely unmoved by babies as a concept. But hey, I do have affection for Pete and Ashlee, so if they're happy, I'm happy for them. *shrug*

(Semi-relatedly, I do wish Ashlee hadn't said she thinks that women should take their husband's name when they get married. That made me twitch a lot. :/)


Otherwise, I feel a little out of the loop fannishly in that I didn't even find out about the lj user-representative election until yesterday. I don't know how much difference I think it will make, but I like the idea of having someone who is fannish in that position. I'm late to the party, I know, but I haven't seen as much about it in bandom circles as I have in other places, so here is the link to fandom_votes with their information on it, just in case anyone else hasn't seen it. It's worth reading through the information, at least.


And that's all I got. I'm supposed to be working on my cover letter and resume right now, but I'm procrastinating. Las Cruces has been fun; I've had a lot of beer and actual New Mexican food. This evening I am going to Roswell, which will be interesting. I haven't been there in a year and a half and I think it'll be weird being back, but it'll only be for a couple of days. We can stand around in the parking lot arguing about what we want to do until everything closes and then go drive around in the desert. It'll be just like old times.

axis of emo, fandom, delinquent road trip, fob, ros-hell, summer of questionable decision making, strikethrough'07, patd, fannish_solidarity, boldeletion'07

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