(no subject)

Jan 25, 2008 00:04

For about six months songgirl12, executorvs, hunterandprey and I have been rewatching Farscape. Last night we finished the miniseries. This was my second massive Farscape rewatch in two years and just. It just doesn't get old ever, does it? I was only ever on the very fringes of FS fandom. I never wrote fic for it; I read some occasionally, but I never felt like I needed it. But, God. My love for this show, you guys. It's just, as a whole it's so satisfying. John/Aeryn is probably the most gratifying ship I've ever had because of the way they are CONSISTENTLY AMAZING IN EVERY WAY and also COMPLETELY VALIDATED BY CANON IN EVERY WAY. And the whole thing holds together narratively, thematically and emotionally all the way through to the end - that happens so rarely. I'm not saying I don't have issues with Peacekeeper Wars. They had to drop some plot lines out of necessity. There are some things that don't work for me. *cough*Sikozu*cough* But given that they had to make do with a four hour miniseries instead of a 22 episode season, some choppiness and a few dropped plot lines are to be expected.

Farscape may be the most thoroughly satisfying show I have ever watched in its entirety. When it's over I don't have a list of nagging issues that bother me to distraction and I don't want to punch anyone or cry forever - despite the fact that it has a body count and things are fucked up. But you're okay with it because that's what had to happen. It's over and you're like, "Well, of course that's how the story ends." Narrative integrity, FTW. Also, come on. It has canon sex mist and body swap and it PULLS IT OFF.


In other news, I may go see Panic in Houston, Chicago and Las Vegas. I can't afford this and by late June I will have been unemployed for almost two months. It's a horrible, ridiculous idea. But Houston's not far from here; I'll be in Chicago around that time anyway and my high school BFF is up for a road trip to Las Vegas because we'll be in Roswell then. It's only eleven hours! You can totally do that in a day. Of course, I will never have money EVER AGAIN if I actually do the shit I'm planning to do this summer, but whatever. I don't need money anyway. Right.


In other, other news, I STILL have not read the last two issues of AtS: After the Fall. This weekend, when I am not distracted by parades, I am actually going to the comic book store.

Of course, this weekend I intend to be VERY distracted by parades.

axis of emo, delinquent road trip, stupid decisions:me, summer of questionable decision making, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, farscape

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