* I am too caffeine deprived to connect my thoughts together

Jan 21, 2008 09:17

* I am at work on MLK day.
* It is early.
* I have not had coffee yet.
* Last night was the 12th Night Party. I drank the punch o'debauchery and then had to leave EARLY because of work.
* I did not leave early enough, perhaps.
* All yesterday afternoon the entire area around my house was without power. It was dark and cold and internetless for hours until we gave up and went to the bar (in the Quarter, because Uptown bars were full of people with the same idea). It was still dark and internetless, but it was warm and there was beer.
* I'm having codecs issues with Ubuntu that mainly manifest themselves in an inability to play Buzznet clips. TRAGEDY.
* I object to the direction in which the weemo_closet poll is going.
* Apparently I missed an excessively gay interview with Brendon Urie. I hope my computer will play that at least.
* In order to get coffee I have to go to the coffee shop, which means I have to go BACK OUTSIDE.

wage slave, apartment_drama, mardi gras: 2008

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