please discuss

Jan 16, 2008 01:12

So I was on gchat with neverneverfic and we were talking about the weemo_closet poll and the way different members of bandom bands are perceived/characterized in fandom. And I mentioned that, of all of them, Patrick Stump often seems to have the most militant of fangirls - not that we're not all intense about all of them because obviously. Just ask me how I feel about Ryan Ross. But Patrick's the one that it seems like you can't get away with ever saying anything bad about. He's this cute, cuddly, musical genius and seems to be almost universally perceived that way. And then we got to talking about why that is:

neverneverfic: maybe because fob is probably the most popular of the bands at least with the weemo set. and patrick is someone fangirls can relate to, not a perfect body, kind of awkward.
plus fandom loves pete wentz
and wentz loves his patrick
redbrickrose: You might be right. I bet a lot of it does have to do with how vocal and accessible Pete is. Pete's our pov character, really, for want of a better term.
That's really interesting, actually
neverneverfic: pete really really is.
redbrickrose: okay. So Pete is our pov character. He's the center of the axis of emo, as it were.
neverneverfic: heeeeeee
redbrickrose: Do you think the fandom dynamic would be different if a different member (or even a different *band*) was the most vocal?
Leaving out MCR, because they have their own fannish following, if we're just talking FBR
What if we had a different POV "character?"
neverneverfic: like if jwalk was the pov would we love spencer the best?
or would we love no one in particular the best because jwalk isn't obsessive like that?
i think if pete weren't the pov character it would change the fannish landscape DRAMATICALLY
redbrickrose: Right, maybe. Or if Patrick was pov, and all Pete's antics were still the same, minus the obsessive blogging, how would we feel about Pete?
I want, like, fannish metafic in a semi-au where Patrick is the one who blogs all the time.
neverneverfic: totally! dude, what if andy was the one blogging all the time. would we have militant vegan anarchists running all over?
redbrickrose: God, we might.
I'd never thought about it in those terms, but Pete really does impact the point of view of fandom so much.
I'm going to be thinking about this for days
neverneverfic: MEEEE TOOOOOO
redbrickrose: But we also have that over-familiarity with Pete. He's pov, but he's not the favorite.
neverneverfic: and imagining AUs with different pov people
redbrickrose: YES Fandom aus!
neverneverfic: !!!!!!!!!
redbrickrose: My god it would be so pretentiously self-referential and awesome!

Yes? No? Comments? Discussion?

axis of emo, fob

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