adronai and I are still mainlining Supernatural. (We finished all of Cowboy Bebop). We're almost half way through season 2 and we're going to try to finish the season tomorrow before adronai heads back to Chicago on Sunday . I've enjoyed rewatching. I've been a little eh on SPN fandom lately for a variety of reasons, but GOD I love this show. <3<3<3<3 I am filled with squee and love. And possibly a renewed desire to write fic? It would be cool to actually finish one in that fandom. (Though not until the bandom fic is finished, of course).
Speaking of bandom, I'm sure that everyone who cares has seen the "Tom Conrad reads fic and quotes it on his myspace" news, but OMG. I don't know whether to be horrified or delighted or both. I think the fangirl in me is horrified and the geeky academic in me is delighted. This weekend I am actually going to try to articulate all of my thoughts on why. I never thought RPS would be my primary interest, and I still don't know that it always will be given how I have always, always been a genre television fan. But, man, I am so fascinated right now by the way RPF fandom in general is evolving. I mean, two and half years ago when I was doing thesis research I came across an article called "Reading Spike Through the Subcultural Celebrity of James Marsters." It mentioned specific Jossverse RPS websites and we were all !!!!!! We were very alarmed! And weirded out! And now? RPS in an academic article is nothing. Happens all the time. The subjects of RPS reading it and commenting on it and quoting it on their myspaces? NEW EXCITING TIMES FOR FANDOM, YOU GUYS. New exciting times. And caring about RPF on a fannish, rather than just academic, level is so new to me. I don't even know what to do with myself. Several people at this point have used the word "hilarifying" to explain the emotions induced by bandom (coined by
kalpurna?). That's pretty much totally accurate.