For Posterity

Nov 30, 2007 18:38

Sometimes I have to acknowledge wank just to feel that I acknowledged it. Sorry.

Re: Yesterday's poll and SAUL TIGH'S LIFE. For the records, most everybody thinks that it sucks more to be Tigh.

Okay, so I've been rewatching Farscape with some friends - songgirl12, executorvs, and hunterandprey and, I don't know, at one point executorvs made a comment about how it sucked to be Crichton more than anyone. (I think; I don't remember context) and songgirl12 ans I were like OH, NO IT DOES NOT. And then we started naming people whose lives sucked more than Crichton's, but we couldn't really come up with anyone whose life sucked more than Saul Tigh's, so that's why they are the two people in the poll, not because there are any innate similarities between them that I was drawing on. I mean, Tigh killed Ellen because she was helping the Cylons and then it turns out he IS one and as songgirl12 pointed out last week when we were talking about this (because the four of us have this conversation a lot), Tigh CAN'T EVEN KILL HIMSELF (probably) because he will just download and it will start over.

So it takes a lot to convince me that anyone's life sucks more than Tigh's. And I was on the phone with executorvs last night and we were talking about it again and I said "FINE I WILL POLL LJ." If you've been around for awhile, you know that happens sometimes. It's like a giant fangirl vs. fanboy clash and then I have to get mt flist involved. Sorry! But that's the explanantion.

re: Dr. Who and Rose's return. Too the extent that "Doomsday" works, it works because it is permanent. I will be very, very curious to see if they can pull off bringing Rose back without cheapening her exit in the first place. I don't know that I think they can, but we'll see. Because that said? I love Rose, and if they can manage it without slighting the other companions, hey. Whatever. That is a huge qualifier, though, because I DO want to see Martha treated fairly for once. And I want to see Donna treated fairly because she's going to be the primary companion next season. And I'm REALLY GLAD Jack is going to be back because he makes everything shinier ALWAYS. Hopefully he will make out with someone this time, because that was really disappointing last season.

How I feel about the SPN wank du jour: I don't. I am ignoring it very hard.

How I feel about lj flags: I get how it could be annoying, but I'm not overly concerned about it at this point. It's easy to get around and and it might be a compromise everybody can live with if lj feels like they have to do *something*. It's possible I'm wrong and major problems could crop up in the future (especially knowing lj), but right now, I'm not really bothered. I'm also not marking my journal as anything, though.

I'm still feeling a little out of the loop in most of my fandoms, because this is is how I spend my time now, which is totally awesome, but it also involves a fandom that only tangentially has vampires and/or aliens and requires me to care about the lives of celebrities to the extent that Ashlee Simpson is now in my icons. It continues to be completely unlike anything in my fannish history and I continue to love EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.

HEY, THOUGH. Speaking of fannish history, talk to me about Angel: After the Fall. I haven't read the BtVS comics because I'm waiting until they all come out in one book so I can read them all at once. AtS is different, though. I was totally cool with where and when BtVS ended. AtS perished before its time and my NFA issues are deep-rooted and still make me twitchy sometimes. I fall on the comics-aren't-canon side of the debate, but I don't feel super strongly about it. My feelings on that issue are kind of academic and dispassionate, and I don't know. If it's supposed to be the planned s6, I guess I could be persuaded to feel differently. So the Angel comic: Yes/No/Wait until it's done? What did you like? What did you hate? Why is it good or bad? Is there any Angel/Spike? Please spoil me completely. I *have* read that Gunn gets vamped. I don't know how I feel about that at all. I guess it would depend on how it was handled, but I do remember that rumor going around right after cancellation when we were hearing things about what s6 would have been. Also: How much does Gordon Walker = Charles Gunn gone wrong? That was bizarrely obvious even *before* this. I don't know what I make of that. Just observing. - ETA: MORE SPOILERS IN COMMENTS

axis of emo, fannish_history, supernatural, doctorwho, my neuroses: let me show you them, bsg, strikethrough'07, fannish_promiscuity, boldeletion'07, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care, farscape

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