Free Association

Nov 13, 2007 23:22


I have been feeling very disconnected from fandom recently. This is mostly because I have been lurking in a fandom I am terrified of (that doesn't know I exist) while flailing at neverneverfic and giving lip service to my participation in SPN fandom. (It is a point of honor for me that I will someday finish SPN fic. I'm just not letting myself think too hard about the possibility that it won't survive the writer's strike. LALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU). The strike is depressing me on so many levels and I have been torturing myself by following upsetting wank, and just ick. It needs to stop.

Anyway, feeling disconnected *sucks.* So I am going to tell you about things that make me happy. Pick and choose from among the following:

1) Fall Out Boy covering Mr. Brightside. Everyone who cares has seen this, but I don't care okay, because Pete kisses Patrick on the mouth and Patrick kind of flails and stops playing and oh, my heart. And, okay, I have the most unpopular fannish opinion *ever* (and I wasn't going to say this, but what the hell) in that it's hard for me to actually ship Pete/Patrick because NO ONE PERSON SHOULD BE EVERYTHING TO PETE WENTZ. Dear God. Can you imagine? (Seriously, Patrick Stump thanks the universe for Ashlee Simpson every day, because at least there's someone else whose job it is to be emotional support for Pete.) So despite my overwhelming love for them in fic, there is always a voice in the back of my head going "Bad idea. OH GOD, BAD IDEA." It is possible this video temporarily silenced that voice. ETA: APPARENTLY REPORTS NOW SAY THAT THE KISS WAS ON THE CHEEK. OK, BUT THE FLAILING STILL HAPPENED. THE SQUEE STANDS.

Also, Ashlee Simpson has become a relevant topic of conversation in my livejournal, and I don't know who I am anymore.

2) There is a tag in my delicious called gabesaportaownsmysoul because he does. Gabe Saporta exists. I just. *glee* Non-bandom people. If you have been ignoring me for months, this is for you: I want you to download this song: Cobra Starship: Guilty Pleasure. It's all about how Gabe and his band don't care that they're your guilty pleasure, they just want to make you dance. I dare you not to love it. And if you somehow manage not to, please don't tell me because that might be grounds for defriending. (Kidding! mostly. maybe). NOTHING HAS EVER BEEN MORE ADORABLE THAN COBRA STARSHIP. Except maybe Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie. And I know I linked that before, but I am positive not enough of you watched it.

3) There are things I am not loving about SPN this year. There are things I didn't love about last weeks ep. But whatever! I am not talking about things I don't love right now. So here are the things that I do:

a. Bela - there are reasons why she may not totally "fit?" But I don't care, the more I think about her, the more I love her. And I love that she wasn't introduce as a love interest, really, and I love her dynamic with Dean, and I wish they *would* have angry sex. She's totally selfish and totally damaged and I want to know so much more about her. I love that the boys don't like her. I love that Sam pretty much hates her, and then felt compelled to help her anyway because he's Sam.

b. How much this season is going to hurt me. It is possible this show brings out ALL my emotional masochism. Dean wants Sam to stop trying to save him. So Sam is going to get more and more secretive about trying to save him. So Dean is going to get more and more paranoid and try harder to stop him. So Sam is going to go to even greater lengths and just keep getting darker. Which is just going to make Dean withdraw even *more* until they are totally not communicating and okay, this is an unpopular opinion too? But I wouldn't mind some kind of rift between them. Obviously I don't want it to last, but think how dramatic and awesome and hurty. And I'm not sure that's not where we're headed. And it will break my heart and put it back together because I still trust Kripke, y'all. I do. At least with the emotional stuff. And I don't care so much about the logistical plot stuff. That's not what I watch SPN for. (YEAH, SO STILL NOT THINKING ABOUT THE WRITER'S STRIKE. I CAN'T HEAR YOU).

c. They had me at the ghost ship. Seriously.

d. Dean being completely badass never fails to delight me. Okay, Dean pretty much never fails to delight me, but I like him best when he's hitting my competence!kink hard. Bypass the alarm to steal the hand of a heavily secured case? So not a problem. Also, Dean in a tux? Thank you universe. Even if he did look super awkward.

4) All the video of Jensen and Jared and their stupidly adorable hoyay from Creation Con. I know everyone has seen that, so I'm not even going to bother linking, but OMG, I just keep watching them over and over again and wanting to smush them together.

5) Okay, I am SO EASILY DISTRACTED by bright, shiny objects and the currently the brightest and shiniest involves Pete Wentz, so what're you gonna do? But I was thinking that I was feeling disconnected and that I MISS the height of my AtS/BtVS days where I was in a fandom where I felt totally comfortable and I was mono-fannish, so I always knew what was going on even if I didn't know all the participants - but I did know quite a few of the participants and you know? I still feel like a large part of my community is there despite fandom drift. Well, then today germaine_pet made a post asking people to talk about Angel/Spike. And wow, it turns out I still have quite a bit to say about them. I thought I got most of it out of my system in my Lynnevitational fic (gratuitous self-pimping FTW! Whatever, it's my glee post). But nope, apparently not. AtS = THE FANDOM OF MY HEART. Always and forever. And then! To explain some of my references, I was asked to talk about Louis and Lestat. Which I can also still do FOREVER. Which, WOW, it's been awhile.

Also, I was never fannish about the Vampire Chronicles. They were, in some bizarre way, almost too personal for the communal aspect, which sounds really, really weird and kind of scary, I'm aware, but I just . . . that wasn't the way I related to them. Which is strange, given the depth of my love for them, because it's pretty much the way I relate to EVERY OTHER TEXT EVER *especially* the ones I feel intensely about. I've just . . . never had any desire for fic at all. UNTIL RIGHT THIS MOMENT BECAUSE HOLY CRAP. Rockstar!Lestat makes a come back! AND INTERACTS WITH GABE SAPORTA. OR PETE WENTZ. OR WILLIAM BECKET OR BRENDON URIE. OR ALL OF THEM. I DON'T CARE, REALLY. I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH A DEEP DESIRE FOR CROSSOVER FIC AS I DO FOR THIS. I DON'T THINK I FULLY UNDERSTOOD THE APPEAL OF CROSSOVER FIC UNTIL THIS SECOND.

So now you should tell me something! I don't care what really, as long as it's fannish and happy. Tell me why your OTP is your OTP. Tell me why I should be in a fandom I'm not in. Tell me about your new fannish love. Tell me these things even if I don't know what your talking about. Tell me whatever random fannish thing has been on your mind that you haven't found a way to slip into conversation yet. Seriously, just talk to me about fandom. Please?

axis of emo, supernatural, fandom, fob, j2, fangirling_lestat, hooraythecobra, wishlist, fannish_promiscuity, patd, btvs/ats, pretending_people_care, full_of_fannish_glee

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