Jun 20, 2007 01:18

Did you miss me? I got home a couple of hours ago, when we finally landed after circling New Orleans for an hour because we couldn't land in the middle of the rain storm. And then executorvs was very persuasive in his argument that I had to go watch Dr. Who RIGHT THEN NOW TONIGHT, so I did that and it turned into an impromptu Dr. Who and Farscape party, like it always does.

Of course, he was right, because JACK!! And not just Jack but long conversations between Ten and Jack about why Jack was left behind. (I was a little surprised to learn that Ten knew Jack was alive all along though. That makes Jack's life all the more tragic). The return of Dr. Who Jack = win. I love Jack no matter what, but I love him best when he's flirting with everything and being generally awesome, as opposed to when he's being all PTSD and inexplicably fascinated by Ianto. I loved every moment he had with Ten. (Stop it.) I've been waiting for good Ten/Jack fic forever guys, and there has been a shameful lack of it. I bet we're getting it now. \o/ And also THE MASTER. I'm not even an old school fan and I know that's exciting. (And also full of awesome slash potential). I have no analysis. All I have is slash-goggles induced squee. Sorry. I continue to adore Martha, and I am fully prepared to OT3 Martha/Jack/Ten as much as I did Rose/Jack/Nine. PERHAPS MORE SO.

So this weekend I went to an outdoor wedding in southern Colorado and wore a strapless dress. I was wearing sunscreen, but it didn't even matter. I am BRIGHT RED. It is HIDEOUS and PAINFUL. It is also uneven, so it won't even look good when it fades to a tan. I hate how easy I burn. Other than that, the wedding was absolutely gorgeous, and it was great to see everyone. That's the last time I'll be in New Mexico for who knows how long because my mom's finally headed to Birmingham for good, and that made the whole thing kind of bittersweet (as if my oldest friend getting married hadn't done that already). I ate lots of green chile while I was there and then I and bought a New Mexico mug and red chile peanut brittle at the airport. I miss the desert and I miss New Mexican food. A LOT.

More later, with picspam of sleepingsands's wedding gourd, if anyone cares. (And you do. Trust me. You do.) Now I am going to sleep before I pass out at the keyboard. I have not checked my flist yet, and I can't imagine I'll catch all the way up. If you saw/read/wrote anything I should see, let me know! There are some new people around here too. Hi! Introduce yourselves if you want. (Or not if you don't. Either way.) So how is everybody?

ETA: random Supernatural finale spoilers in comments

stupid decisions:me, new mexico, family, doctorwho

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