* It's raining, with very bright lightning and very loud thunder. I like rainy afternoons when I don't have to leave or do anything, but I admit that rain makes me kind of nervous around here. I used to love rain. I spent my childhood LITERALLY praying for rain. In church. Now it will always be a little unsettling
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Also, mandatory drinking hours sound like an incredibly good idea.
Lexx is so bad that it makes you want to marathon the series in its entirety because it just should not be possible for something to be so bad and so awesome and the same time. WE CAN DO THAT.
I can't believe that the concept of mandatory drinking hours did not occur to us before now.
Have you heard about the fangirl asking Jensen about wincest? WTF, seriously? That madness is why I had fannish perversity on the brain.
I think a Lexx marathon should be combined with mandatory drinking hours. Oh yes indeed.
Yes, he got jumped on and asked about Wincest and now he will never, ever go to a con ever again and who could blame him? But I suppose he could have gotten handed a smutbox and asked about j2, so *hands.* (Okay, but jumped on is pretty bad). And I have no idea why. It's disconcerting.
I think a Lexx marathon combined with mandatory drinking hours is truly inspired.
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