Happy Easter

Apr 08, 2007 12:50

To those who celebrate. I'm always afraid of posting too much religion stuff here. Taken out of the church context, so many of the things I find powerful seem overused and trite - robbed of any meaning, oversimplified like printing psalms on a candy bar wrapper. Not everyone's stories or metaphors are mine, nor should they be, but to those for whom it does have meaning:

Christ is Risen

And the people respond:

He is Risen, Indeed


It doesn't feel all that much like Spring around here. It's cold outside - and it is New Orleans and April and I do not approve. It's supposed to be pretty here by now. Usually, it's well on it's way to unbearably hot by now.

nojah and I made hard-boiled eggs yesterday - but then we did not decorate them because we did not have food coloring. We are not awesome at planning ahead. I went to church this morning and the service was beautiful, even if we were all bundled up in coats and boots - this is so not Easter weather. How are kids supposed to hunt for eggs in this?* I was going to go down to the French Quarter sometime this weekend because I have not seen it during the day in I don't even know how long. I just don't like wandering around in the cold, and I'm such a wuss because my definition of cold is pretty much anything under about 60 degrees. I did go out Friday which was fun, but then I spent yesterday curled up on the couch watching tv. I was all geared up for Spring and having to dig winter clothes out again was discouraging. Hopefully, it gets better next week because I am not turning the heat back on. I refuse.

*Disclaimer: whine, whine, I know. This would probably constitute a balmy spring day where many of you are. I live in the south on purpose! Where are my 75 degree New Orleans spring days?


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