Happy Birthday to
kita0610!! Hope it was fantastic! I wish you cake and porn. Gay vampire porn.
My entire body hurts. I feel like I pulled every single muscle and I've got bruises I can't explain. I've felt like this for two days. On the upside, I was cool again this weekend - except for the part where I almost died when I fell over in the street in front of oncoming traffic and fucked my ankle up. But! there was also a parade! And rum and (rather orgiastic) dancing and by the time we made it back to
aenelein's house en masse, we had collected an inner-tube and a guy in a bunny suit. Yay Mardi Gras. Not a moment too soon. I want nothing more than to spend the next two weeks in a drunken frenzy on the streets of the French Quarter. Alas, it is not to be.
I do not speak of my love for The Office much here, but I assure you that it is deep and pure. Despite this, I rewatched "Traveling Salesman" the other day, and as a direct result have spent two days reading Jim/Dwight slash at work (sort of, there isn't that much of it - a fact for which I am grateful). WHY GOD, WHY? I need brain bleach and/or for someone to take away my internets to save me from myself. I added "has slash goggles and virtually no will power" to my user info because I think that reveals a lot about the way my brain works and why.