OMG, Hello.
Graduation: -3 days, yay! Thesis still pending, but whatever.
It went well, I think. I mean, it was boring but those ceremonies always kind of are. It didn't pour rain, which was good. I would have been unhappy if it had poured rain, especially after the ridiculous and unseasonable month and a half drought we had prior to last week. Walking across the lawn in front of Loyola on St. Charles Ave. was important after everything. I had lots of extended family here, which was awesome, though they only came in for the weekend. Dad and
adronai and I went to Jazz fest on Friday and saw Keb Mo', Ani DiFranco and Cowboy Mouth (among others that we heard pieces of). Okay, I live under a rock musically; I never know what is going on or who is doing what. I know what I like, but it's always an incredibly random and eclectic selection. All of which is to say I had NOT heard anything off Cowboy Mouth's new CD until Friday. Including both of their post-Katrina songs. Seriously, someone should have warned me, one should not be blindsided by those and then suddenly surrounded by 800 crying people. Just saying. And now, someone should probably confiscate my CD because there's only so many time one can listen to the songs on repeat. I don't really have much in the way of emotional reserves right now. It's less than a month until next hurricane season, and that I don't want to think about.
Anyway, it was great to have everyone here, but it was an absolutely exhausting weekend. By the end of it all I could think about was sleep. And now . . . well, it's a huge relief to be done, but I really, really feel like I should have deadlines hanging over my head. (And I do - the thesis - but only one). I've never NOT been in school. I'm not sure I know how to not be in school. WHAT DO I DO WITH MY TIME? Other than continue to go to work at 6:30 in the morning, and let me just say that that needs to stop. I need a new plan re: the whole work situation. Like, a job that pays enough money to live on would be nice. I'm not above continuing to mooch of my parents, but I'm going to feel bad about it. This responsible adult thing is not going fantastically given that I can't seem to remember to do things like feed myself and wear sunscreen. It's possible I'm doomed, BUT! Loyola has declared me college educated and that is absolutely a reason for celebration - which I will be doing as soon as I have a morning when I don't have to be up BEFORE DAWN.
Fandom! So how are you all? I've been reading kind of sporadically, but if there was something that I didn't comment on and you feel like I should have it was probably just because I didn't see it. Between work and school, this semester was painful. My Romanticism professor gave me a 'B' and yes I know a 'B' is fine, that is the only non-A I had in a class in my major ever. That was my perfect 4.0 major GPA. I don't even want to know what happened with Epistemology and Art history.
However, I'm back, and I think I mean it this time. Update me! Tell me about fic! Tell me about your lives! Tell me what the hell is up with lj that it wouldn't let me log in for 45 mintues! *clings*