Adam Baldwin on Bones. ASDFGAHJKJH But he was hotter on FF and AtS And "Brokeback, baby. Had to ask." I love Angela.
And the blackmailer using the name Rick Santorum. HA! That was the best ever. Also Pirate "ships."
I have nothing intelligent to say about VM because, while I love it, I have not been paying close attention to the fandom, and therefore have not been paying close attention to continuity and so I have pretty much no idea what's going on. It's complicated and there's too long between episodes. I'm still enjoying it, and I can follow mostly, but any analysis is beyond me. I would have to go download all the episodes and watch them all at once and the thought of me having the time to do that is laughable.
It occurs to me that I left out several things in my list of "why I am annoyed at everything" the other day. Like, I'm not even going to tell you what size skirt I had to buy for my business suit the other day because typing the number might be physically painful.
HOWEVER, today I was not annoyed by the world because I actually slept last night. I was going to take a nap at seven and then get up and do work and then suddenly it was the next morning. This was incredibly unproductive and I am now even more behind, but there was no irrational irritation today, so I think the two things are probably connected. I felt great this morning. I worked out and cleaned the bathroom before I even had to be in class. Later I felt less great because school stress kicked back in and I realized it's March 16 and my thesis presentation is on the 31 and there is not even a parallel universe where I am anywhere near ready to be doing that. I could work on it instead of whining about it, but that probably isn't going to happen.
Tomorrow I have work at 6:30 and a friend wants to go out tonight. It's a bad idea, but historically I have been known to act on my bad ideas. I shouldn't go, but whatever. So tomorrow I can once again be sleep deprived and irritated, until Monday when I have a day off again. I think I need a new plan. This one isn't really working for me anymore.
ETA: I just found out that my new Cafepress t-shirt arrived today. "Slash: When you just can't keep canon straight." HAHAHAHAHAH! See, that's funny. People who are not fannish do not appropriately appreciate it, just like many of them previously did not appropriately appreciate my "Republicans for Voldemort" bumper sticker. I get this look, like "Hannah . . . no. Just no."