Quilting Bee week 1

Sep 21, 2009 22:36

I am taking part in a quilting bee where each month for a year you are sent fabric and have to make a block from it. I don't quilt as a rule, although I sew a lot, so this is a nice way to explore that medium. I thought that with recent events I would have to drop out but fe2h2o kindly said she would help me cut up my fabric etc if needed. As it has turned out it is a nicely sized little project that only takes an hour to two, but is enough to have that "pleasant proejct to plan" when I am worrying about stuff.

Here is my first effort, which was for a Christmas table cloth so in 3 colours with the same patten. Pictures below the cut.

First the block design:

And the final block :-)

Now, next month is for me to send out fabric. Luckily I bought and pre washed it before M got sick, so I just need to cut it out to post.

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