Rec: Supernatural

Sep 09, 2010 22:31

Title: Ten Thousand Miles
Author: mimblexwimble 
Fandom: supernatural
Pairing: gen
Summary: This isn’t a story with a deeper meaning. There is no moral at the end. On December 28th, 2007, Sam Winchester walked out of the motel room he was sharing with his brother and never came back.

Because either Sam left on his own, or something happened to him. If it’s the former, Dean can never forgive Sam. If it’s the latter, Dean can never forgive himself. There is nothing that will be able to bridge the chasm between them if Sam comes back now.

I. Just. There are no words for this one. It is beautiful. It is agony. It is a poem. It is a eulogy. Everything about it is imbued with an intensity and pain that can't be escaped. It is possibly my favourite supernatural fic ever. And I bawl my eyes out every time I read it.

I have so much love for it. So very, very much love. 

pairing: gen, fandom: supernatural, rec

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